what is the best amp you've ever heard

Easy: VTL Siegfried Reference Monoblocks.

I have never, ever heard another amp do what those things did at an open house at my local High End shop. The next year I went to the same hi-fi show and heard the same turntable and disc player into the same speakers, but it was the Ayre preamp and amp instead. The Ayres are very nice, but they weren't even close.

Disclaimer: I've never heard the top line Halcro monoblocks.
Well so far, the best has been some Wavac model @ the 2007 CES show. (Ridiculously priced of course!)

Followed by the Lamm M2.2 and then the DarTZeel NHB 108.
Of all the amps I've had in my system, the AtmaSphere MA-1s have so far been the best. The JJ Electronics (the tube manufacturers) 828 is also very nice - not as dynamic, but sweeter. It's a shame this company doesn't get more attention. They were the shooting star for a while, but then other trends came along, but they make really good amps.
since the character of amps does vary; i would mention a few 'best amps' i have heard.

the Lamm ML3 at CES this year was wonderful......as it should be for 130 large....a bit on the dark side but very delicate and refined, it does space and tonality to die for.

as was the new Tenor 350 monoblocks.....only $90k.....really no weakness and the best really powerful amp i have ever heard. it will drive any speaker known to man with ease and is completely natural and dynamically alive.

the Tenor 75 watt OTL's did some things better than any other amp i've heard....has a fire and sparkle in the mids along with a neutrality and musical flow which beguiled me for years.

and then my darTZeel NHB-108 must be in this mix somewhere.....maybe more like music and less it's own character than the others, an astonishingly low noisefloor, lifelike microdynamics, sweet naturalness, and overall balance makes it my overall everyday choice to live with. it makes me forget about amps and speakers and just enjoy.......

those 4 are above most others i have heard in my book.......you would need to include the ML2.1 with the ML3.

i could probably list 5 or 10 other amps that could be included that i am less familiar with.