???What's The LEAST Expensive "End Game"Amplifier You've Ever Heard???

Pretty simple question..
While I’m sure the "No Such Thing" crowd will make sure they represent,I’m not interested in their rhetoric..
I am however,most interested to hear from those who have heard integrated amplifiers they could get off the merry go round with,ESPECIALLY if it was on the more budget end of cost..For myself it would have to be the Sugden A21SE but that was 2 years ago,before the cost climbed to $4000.00......
Thanks for participating..


For me the least expensive amp I could live with is the Synthesis A40 (costs around $8,000); if I needed more power it would be their A100 amp.  Both have built in DACs I could live with.  The power amp I currently operate costs about 8.5 times the A40 price, and I own another amp that costs around twelve times as much.  These amps are better, but not by a wide margin.

Ahh... missed the "Integrated" part. Although I have not heard them, I would immediately look at the Coda CSiB, Wells Audio, Aesthetix Mimas, and Ayre Acoustics EX-8 2.0.

Non integrated:

Ayre Acoustics MX-R (not Twenty) mono amps ~$6500 used.

Ayre Acoustics VX-5 Twenty ~$4800 used


I am a tube person, but, I like Ayre for solid state; your recommendation is very good. 

Belles Aria Signature, BAT VK-3000SE (never heard the VK-3500SE), Gato Amp 150 ...

Aesthetix Mimas… stellar and the DAC and phono modules are excellent. I’ve setup a few systems w them. impressive hybrid from Jim White.

I really enjoyed the Kinki EX-M1 I added the Sparkos OP amp kit to it, and was convinced it was my end game amp. Then my dealer sold me his Demo Sugden IA-4.  That Kinki is 250 Wpc, and $3500.00 CDN

Without prejudice to:

(a) The oxymoron embedded in the title now ignored for purposes of a reply herein; and,

(b) Before the bespoke merits of stepping up into the thin-air or oxygen-breather audio performance strata choices saddled with their unavoidable high-end strata eye-watering price-points BUT arguably better reflective of actual ‘end game” classification …..

My personal (emphasis-added); “arguably still affordable for the masses” end-game option is the REGA OSIRIS integrated amp.

Audio Research D240 MKII

Price used USD1800.

Dynamic, transparent and musical end game amp. Fed earlier by an upgraded LS10, it was an end game set up. 

I’ve got three to contribute. Main system is a factory modified Cary SLI 80 HS, it just does everything perfectly for me. Paired with Volti Razz, it’s a match made in heaven. Musical, powerful, dynamic. I can’t think of anything the pairing is missing. Part of the why is when I auditioned the Razz at Volti HQ, mastermind creator Greg and I listened to the Razz and Cary for hours, well into the night.

Next is an integrated I’ve searched many years for. Mission Cyrus Two with the PSX power supply. It literally made my old TDLs in my man cave come alive and sound like they always should have. Full, musical, muscular even, without loosing their British accent. And at such a bargain in excellent condition!

lastly the Margules ACRH -3. What a fine sounding hybrid. Unique, musical, powerful.

I could live happily with just one of these. 
the least expensive was the Cyrus at 400 clams. Cary and Margules much more expensive.

For me, it would be the Jolida JD 1501P ( @ $700-$800). Hybrid design, roll tubes to my liking. Great w/ solid state preamp.

$4000, $8000? - must not be many amplifiers made.

Sugden makes good products. For me, it was Accuphase E-650 that pretty much ended my desire to consider any other brands out there. The synergy with your speakers is critical when selecting an Integrated. I have tried other Integrated’s costing 3 or 4 times more but they weren’t a good match. So, IMHO cost of an equipment is a secondary consideration.

@jl35 agree on the Gato Amp 150. Have it and love it. Though I would love if a DAC was also included.

@akg_ca agree.

My own recommendation would be much cheaper than all here - Vincent Audio SV200. A small/petite hybrid amp. Its size and power ratings do not represent what it can do. It runs 3 of my massive speakers superbly- Qualio IQ, Axxess L3 and Omega Junior 8 XRS.

Used ARC Ref 75 SE is definitely my end game amp. So happy and so done. 🙂

A bit above the price range being discussed. 

Integrateds under $4K budget max and new?

Low powered SS the MF A1.

High powered SS the Hifi Rose RA280.

High powered tubes the Galion TS120.

Low powered tubes I gotta cheat here a bit at $5K but the Line Magnetic LM-845IA is fantastic and if not made in China would be $15K minimum.

End game amps?  Well, I just happen to potentially have your end game amps, and they are a pair of Pass Labs mono blocks, the XA-100.5.  These would be perfect for you, and since winter is right around the corner, these also make terrific space heaters as you listen to your fave music - hah! 

This is one of best threads I have seen in my limited time in this forum. It’s actually helpful!  There generally are poor resources for buying used equipment to set up a really good system. You are really on your own if you are new to this and not able to spend unlimited amounts. Everything seems to be available used and it’s not junk. I would love it if the cognoscenti would regularly scan US Audio Mart and throw out system recommendations based on what’s out there. That would be so helpful!

I would agree The Auccuohase E650 is a fantastic amp especially for the price 

Post removed 

If you need an integrated below $4,000, you may want to check out the Technics SU-G700M2. 

All the best,

"END GAME" ???


The phrase seems to be paradoxical to the interests of people on this forum.

Either I do not understand what the words are intended to mean, or another term is needed for what this is. Maybe "Holy Grail" is closer to the truth.

I could live with my Firswatt F6 for the rest of my days, same would apply to my Dynakit st-35. Both are very pleasant with appropriate speakers and room set-up.

Simaudio 700i V1 or 2

Coda CSib

Krell 300i (surprised this one hasn’t shown up yet)

The D’Agostino Progression too, but not exactly cheap

Depending on your speakers a true end game amplifier that you wouldn't want or need to ever upgrade is the SE84UFO25 by Decware.  Two of the most musical watts out there.  The Decware owner actually made the first amp for himself as a state of the art  SET amplifier.  It turned out so good that he offered at over three times the cost of the SE84UFO and now the Decware backlog is an over three year wait time. 

It's a niche product for people with speakers in the 100DB sensitivity range but is truly a piece of equipment that you can inexpensively tube roll and tune for the specific sound characteristic  you desire.

I agree with you @danager! Those willing to DIY can bypass the waiting list and build their own with a printed circuit board and instructions from Steve Deckert for only $45.


the whole project cost me a bit under $600 a few years ago.

While I have bought a used set of PS Audio, BHK300’s and their Signature preamp, I still have a Hegel, H390 integrated and if bought used is one heck of a deal! 

An easy recommendation is the Atma-Sphere Class D Monos.

At $5400 a steal. As good, or better, then A-S tube amps.

To do better I had to spend $43K on a Dartzeel integrated.ll

I wouldn't (at this point in my journey) choose and integrated amplifier for myself, I prefer a separate preamp and amplifiers; specifically a tube preamp with both tube and SS amplifiers.....at least in my main system.

The Hegel H590 (now H600) would be that choice if I had to choose. An acquaintance in my audio group owns one I get to hear on occasion, and it really is a wonderful piece of gear. I might even be able to live with the built in DAC, if not it's streamer

If I was putting together a reasonably priced system for a garage or office, I could absolutely live with a Heaven 11 Billie Amp MKII. At $2,000 it's an absolute steal, and wonderful integrated. It appears the Billie MKII is sold out, and there is an upcoming Billie MKIII coming out soon which will be modular. You can even choose your output engine, Hypex or ICEPower.....will be following that release later this year

Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II or III (with KT120s).  

Get the right NOS small signal tubes and pair it with some dynamic speakers 90db or better and that is all she wrote.   

The Neurochrome Modular 686 had been heard in use in a £200Kish system, where a £50Kish Amp' was removed. The System did not need the £50K Amp to be reinstated to get it to perform at its best.

Both Amp's were very comparable with subtle differences.      

I got my Hegel 390 new for 4500. I can’t imagine a better deal for what can be an end game all in one system. Just add speakers. 👍🏼

And a preowned h590 even better at 5k. 

I love my Arion Audio S500.  Shoebox size digital switching amp designed and built by Mike Kallelis.  500 watts per channel, super clean, neutral sound.  Plus, it weighs only about 22 pounds!  Price should be under $3000.  A real bargain, and I can't see myself ever replacing it in an attempt to upgrade.  If it ain't broken...


The Pass Labs XA25 is one of the most 'transparent' amps and a reference for many reviewers. Audiophiliac, Stereophile, Absolute Sound. I have one paired to Harbeth 30.2 40th and it is a match made in heaven.
Last week i was auditioning speakers and the store owner told me that a customer had recently changed his entire set up 5 times more expensive to go with the XA25 because he liked it so much. 
At about 5k USD , you cannot go wrong. Built like a tank, sound like velvet.

Post removed 

When I bought my Simaudio 340i, I was auditioning it against the Bryston B135 cubed and Cronus Magnum III.  I picked it because it's really musical, has great current capability resulting in excellent woofer control.  A really neutral, very capable amplifier section.

My analog section consists of the 340i phono stage being fed by a Graham Slee MC amplifier connected to a Mofi Ultradeck/AT-OC9SH cartridge.  The digital side is a Chord Qutest feeding the single ended input of the 340i.

At this point there are many things I'll upgrade, like cables etc., before considering replacing the 340i. 

This thread does a disservice to the uninitiated by recommending SET and tube amps providing less than 10 watts of power without knowing what kind of speakers are being powered.  If you're new to audio please do not just go out and buy an amp based on a recommendation here without considering system synergy and speaker sensitivity.  

For example, I once purchased a Pass Labs XA25 that someone else recommended in this thread and with my 95db sensitivity speakers the XA25 sounded veiled with rolled off highs and loose uncontrolled wooly bass .  Sure it was warm and offered a tonally denser midrange but I hated everything else about it compared to the other amps in my stable.  I couldn't sell that thing fast enough.  

Pass XA30.5 to my ears is the best I’ve owned. Detailed and layered with great tonality. Refuses to be clinical or piercing which I appreciate. 

An integrated wouldn’t be my “end-game” amp.  Get a non-functional McCormack DNA 0.5 for around 500 bucks and send it to SMcAudio and have them rebuild it for you.  Absolute SOTA amp on the relative cheap, and then just buy the preamp flavor of your choice to go with it.  I use an LTA MZ2 tube pre (with upgraded LPS), but that’s me.