too laid back, or deeper soundstage?

With every equipment upgrade I do I notice the sound is more and more laid back. I guess you can say the stage is getting deeper. But on some recordings I miss the immediacy, especially on vocals. My upgrades were as follows, Adcom amp to CJ, MIT 330 to new shotgun cables, and MSB DAC to Sony SACD. Each upgrade improved the sound in every other way. My speakers are likely next to go. I currently have Spica TC-60's. I listened to Audio Physic Tempo's and they seem even further laid back. Any suggestions on speakers? What about cables? Cables seem to have made a big difference and are probably easiest to upgrade. Opinions? Don't audiophiles want performers in the room? What is this, "it sounds like your sitting in row Z" talk?? Do listeners prefer this?
Joe, there are a number of test CDs out that you could use to test how accurately your system portrays depth. The test track usually has a person walking around a room talking and/or striking a percussion instrument. At different points in the room the speaker announces how far away he is from the microphone. XLO, Chesky and I think Stereophile have test discs with this type of track. As a rule of thumb, there are two types of audiophiles. The first type wants to know exactly what's on the disc. Their motto is accuracy. The other type of audiophile wants all the detail and nuances of the music, but they want to music to still sound "nice". A recessed soundstage can contribute to the nice sound. A true high end system will make some records sound very good and other very bad. There's a wide range of sound quality in recorded music. A good system should reveal these differences. Part of the reason there is a resurgence in single ended tube amps and high efficiency (horn) speakers is that some people want the immediacy, the in your face sound, back. It reads like you are really listening to your equipment and chanllenging what your hear. It's hard to go wrong with that method.
i have the same problem ,i just changed my speakers this week.from hales rev 3 to jmlab electra 920.the diffrence is so great that i'am confused at this point.the hales sound was very natural but the the jmlabs let you hear things that were not there before.the voices are so centered now and so deep like there was another speaker behind them.i changed the interconects from the pre to the power from nordost blue heaven to vampire cast copper and some naturality came back but the imaging was reduced and so was the depth.i am as joe confused as what to do.
You complain that your system is too laid back, and it seems easy to see why. You are using Conrad Johnson electronics and MIT cables. These are very laid back and polite components. You did not mention which C-J products you have(please let us know), but they can all be more or less described as lush, warm, and polite. MIT(and Monster) cables are best with solid state electronics like Krell or Mark Levinson(to my ears). My suggestion, first change your cables. I would look into Kimber, Straightwire, Audioquest. Kimber and Straightwire will liven things up the most(the opposite end of the spectrum from where you now are). I personally prefer Kimber. If you want to do this cheaply, try PBJ and 4TC(both used), you can do this for $100(or less). If this combo makes you happy move up the ladder to KCAG(bypass Hero) and 8TC down the road. Audioquest is more middle of the road in sound, this will not open things up as much as the other two. Try this if you want to back it off from where Kimber is(but, I suspect you won't). After you have the cables right, eventually you may want to upgrade your speakers. Stick with easy to drive models, as they mate best with C-J. Audition this type of speaker in your price range, and try it in your system before buying(if at all possible). Compare metal dome tweeters(to see if they are you style - sounds like they may be) to soft domes. Although you do not seem to be an ideal candidate for tubes, it is still too early to tell. If you are using KimberKable, and a metal dome tweeter, and are still not happy, then look into solid state(but I hope you can be happy with your C-J stuff).
Wow, it's interesting that you get a laid back sound with the Audio Physic tempos - I just heard them yesterday with an all CJ system; half art pre, MF 2500 amp and a CJ cd player and I thought it sounded slightly forward and lean. I know that some employees at CJ use cardas, I have the MIT Shotguns and a CJ pre with Classe amp and it is a pretty warm system. I prefer that, you could liven yours up with different cables for sure like Kimber. I've used PBJ's and KCAG IC's and the sound is definitely more immediate on my system. I love the soundstage the MIT's throw, much better laterally than either Kimber that I mentioned. Have you moved your speakers around - I've been doing this for 10 years! Closer to the back wall will pull vocals more up front. SS amplification will difinitely give you immediacy if your CJ is tube.
If the setup of speakers and components in your rack/room has not changed and you did optimize for your previous components this also adds to the difference in presentation different equipment renders (and you're noticing) I've found differences as such in changing power cords as well and without any other changes, I had to reposition speakers and modify toe-in to get back some of the previous presentation I liked and capitalizing on new good things upgrading bring. System balance and cables might have to be adjusted maybe but first give everything a nice break in / settling time and try closed angle for the speakers for example..... Hope this helps