I am not a big authority on tube gear so I can only offer opinion & repeat what others have said. Most users seem to feel that you should power off your tube gear at day's end, expecially & definitely power amps. Some others like to leave small signal tubes always on, but for sure you're burning hours of life off the filaments. I had one Golden Tube preamp (SEP2) which had a standby mode the turned off B+ voltages, but left the filaments hot. A lot of the older tube TV sets used to have this feature for faster startup. But then I've also read that thermal-cycling stresses the tubes & they should be left on; maybe OK for low power components, but if you ever paid hundred$ for new PA tubes then you probably want them to last as long as possible. I realize that this is all quite confusing. Perhaps others can offer advice from more experience? Regarding solid state, I'm told on good authority that you don't get the best sound until the power supply regulators reach thermal stabilization, at about 30 hours after startup. Definitely something to this theory; my SS equipment behaves this way. Interesting to note that the Ayre V3 SS amp has a standby switch, which shuts off the outputs, but keeps power supplies & drivers running. Mine seems to still sound good with cold outputs (when just turned on from standby) but if I plug the amp in completely cold, it's not sounding good.