What preamp for Lamm M1.2 ?

I was thinkung about getting the ARC Ref 3, but I din't noticed that Lamms have an awfull lot of gain - 32dB. I was told that the Ref 3 will not work well with Lamms because of that.

I know that the logical step is to get the Lamm preamp but beeing as lazy as I am, I want something withe a remote (not to mention SINGLE volume knob).

Any thoughts ?
Elberoth2, for what it's worth, I was in your situation 6 months ago looking for a great preamp and the best I found was the Lamm L2. As you mentioned, it doesn't have a remote and worse, the power supply tube often needs replacement and/or adjustment. If you can get over these issues, it's a good choice. There is something very right about this combo, tonality, transparency, and speed. It's just about perfect but if there's a flaw, it's a little mechanical sounding, at least to my ears.

Did you have a chance to compare the L2 to the cheaper LL2 Deluxe ? I know that the LL2 is much cheaper, but it is also an all tube design and as such it appeals to me more than the L2 which is a hybrid.
I have listened to the two of them at lemgth. If I had not heard the L2, I would have thought that the LL2 was their best line stage. To my ears, the L2 is just a bit more refined in the highs, more neutral and extended in the deep bass (the LL2 has just a slight bloat in the bass that makes it a little "warmer" sounding and in some cases perhaps more pleasant-sounding, particularly if you don't have true full-range speakers), and overall perhaps a little better at layering in a soundstage, i.e., a little better at presenting low-level detail spatial cues. While the L2 is solid state in its signal path, it sounds tonally like a tubed preamp, so I would not be deterred by that aspect.
I never did hear the LL2. At the time, I wanted the best so I assumed the LL2 was not it. Based on Rcprince's description, it sounds like a pretty nice pre plus you can likely get further gains by tube rolling. You may also consider changing the 6922 in your amp as well, it responds quite nicely so tube choice is important.
I agree with Rcprince. I had the LL2 line stage and changed to the L2 linestage. The LL2 was very good with solid images and weight. It did have a slight emphasis on the bass making it sound on the warm side of neutral. In comparison the L2 is more refined with much greater retreivel of detail. This is detail that I did not know was missing until I heard the L2. The L2 is very neutral in my system and does not sound either warm or cold. Even though it is a hybrid it does sound more like a tube preamp than a SS. BTW, I am using with ML1's.