A Useful Tool for Optimizing Your System

A company called Terrasonde (www.terrasonde.com) makes a hardward product called The Audio Toolbox. I've only had the product for two weeks, but I believe it to be an amazing product that many audiophiles will find highly useful in optimizing their system's setup. The Audio Toolbox is a handheld device with a built in microphone. The product performs the following functions: sound pressure meter, real time analyzer, energy-time (decay) meter, RT60 calculator, absolute polarity tester, signal generator (sine, square, pink and white), signal level meter, phase meter and distortion meter. I've used the RTA to better integrate my subwoofers with my main speakers; the energy-time graph to correctly position room treatment devices; and the signal level meter to set the azimuth on my phono cartridge. I've been into audio for about 25 years and one thing I've learned is that setup is just as critical as the equipment. The Toolbox MRSP is $1,000 with a street price of $750.
this looks to be a useful product. do you have the "standard" or "plus" model? i'm going to see whether they have a booth at ces. not seen it there before. if this works as well as advertised, i may recommend to my retailer/friend that he purchase one for loan and assistance in setups.
I got the standard version. Their website says they have a 14 day return polciy. Previously, the only test equipment I had was the Radio Shack SPL. The Toolbox is a big step up.
Thanks for the info, this looks like a very interesting product for some of us "tweak freaks"! Again, thanks for the post. Have a great day!