Help!My systems sound too bright

Hi I have a pair of Wilson Benesch Orator driven by an intergrated Jadis Da-60 amp,source is a Proceed cdp,interconnects is by Tara Labs master generation 2,spk cables also by Tara Labs reference generation 2,powercords synergistic research master coupler and cdp plug into chang lightspeed 3200 and amp into a power wedge 212p.I just bought my spk and it sounds bright and overwelming I not sure if it is because i have not run in the spks(about 20 hrs)or I have room acoustic problem or is there anything wrong wth my setup.any advice and thanks first
Hi Samaul, Do give more time on your break in. This is not uncommon. After another 100 hours on your speakers, remove the Chang lightspeed and power wedge and see if it doesn't sound better. Acoustic room treatment shuold be dealt with first. Good luck, you have a nice speaker.
Samaul, Brulee is right, put at least 100 more hours on the speaks, I would even say 150 before you do any critical listening. I'll bet you'll hear a big difference. Good luck.
If your gear does not have 3 prong AC plugs, try reversing them. The other advise is good.
Hi Samual. I have a Bel Canto pre amp that had amperex tubes. I changed to telefunken tubes and the difference was absolutely remarkable. My system went from an edgey bright sound to a lush warm balanced sound. Go figure. Good Luck Harvey
A number of things come to mind without seeing the listening room. Accoustics are an esential component, and I have found some reasonable treatments @ You also have cables that have to be chosen carefully, and as already stated before is adiquite break in time. These areas if paid attention to will solve alot of problems you have stated without wasting your money.