Where do you buy Hubbell wall socket?

Can't afford the Wattagate 381 so settling for the hospital grade Hubbell in the 20 amp wall socket (model number 8300-I). Where can you point me to the cheapest online seller? Thanks
There is another thread on this "Hospital Grade Wall Outlets" last post 1-10 and good information on where to buy cheap. 29.00 is rather high. I believe one place was selling for 18.95 each. Installation is the same as a regular outlet. Hot, neutral and ground, very simple hook up. Also try a local electrical supplier. I have found hospital grade although not Hubbell, for 14.00 each. I suspect the quality is comparable.
Try The Parts Connection (a Sonic Frontiers division): 800 769-0747. I think their price will be below $29.
Nex- I responded to the other thread of the same title. Anyway, try the FIM A/C duplex instead. Nice sonic improvement over the Hubbell Hospital or Heavy-duty (preferred over the Hospital grade because nickel isn't used as a contact material) duplex when I compared them in my system. They retail for about $50-55 per duplex. Contact Bobby at Sound Trends at 800-726-7293, or for an East Coast dealer eAudioNet. I think Sound Trends offers free shipping in USA over a certain purchase level. Goodluck.
I would avoid the "hospital grade" outlets because they have contacts that are plated with nickel for corrosion resistance. Check out the industrial "spec grade" outlets from Pass and Seymour instead... Solid brass triple-wipe contacts that GRIP!!! The Pass and Seymour 20A #5362A really made a difference in my system. You can get them for about 12.50 ea. from bestroute.com.