New Visitor Confused Over Upgrade

I found this website hoping to compare technical specifications between my Carver receiver and a newer model by Bang & Olufson. As the quoted total harmonic distortion and signal to noise ratio of the Carver is very low, I didn't think that new equipment would add any discernible benefit, at least not enough to justify the considerable difference in price. I am finding a lot of your posts more confusing than informative. As a professional person (not to brag but I make six figures) who has completed post graduate level correspondance courses in EE and knows how to solder, a lot of your posts about tube amps (obselete!) and wires (commodity?) etc. just don't really make sense. In addition to the Carver, I am using a Sony Disc Jockey and I have JBl speakers which are very accurate (used as monitors in many recording studios) and very revealing about associated components. You guys should really learn a little more about how electronics really work before posting such definitive opinions which could mislead new people looking for guidance.
P.S. As far as completing post graduate (by correspondence no less)work in EE and knowing how to solder, I can paint with my toes and burp the Star Spangled Banner. So there!!!
Hey i am just a poor man. Just trying to get the best for my money. But i got to say "WAY TO GO NAIMBOY" !!!!!!!!!!
I find you confusing. EE does not equal hifi (especially in your case). JBLs sonsumer line is far from accurate. If you have the thier professional monitors, then you'll be pleased to know that they don't have a soundstage. You are proof that one can know a lot about EE, and nothing about hifi. And what does being a professional person have to do with anything? Forrest Gump made more than six figures.
1.Go have a listen at a good high-end store. Not a chain. 2. Tell them you want to hear a "reference system" Maybe even try to find some of the same components you keep hearing about but doubt their sound. 3.If you do not hear a difference, or anything worth what you would justify spending the cash for then great. You are done. Just don't knock it untill you hear some of the stuff. You may end up with TUBES even.