Isolation vs. Absorbtion

I am new to the audiophile hobby, and I am confused by what appears to be subjectivity and contradictions. When "mounting" a cd player and other components, is it best to use Soft Pads which ISOLATE vibration and RETAIN internal component vibration, OR is it best to use Hard Cones, which DRAIN (harmful) component vibrations into shelf material. Secondly, is it best to attach shelving to racks so that shelving makes Direct (hard) Contact - OR, should the shelving be Isolated from rack? Is there a scientific, indisputable answer?
Dan I have no idea what would happen if you put the Neuance in place of your MDF. I doubt it has been designed with that in mind. I really think you would only get a good result following my earlier suggestions. Ken (of Neuance) posts here under Caterham1700 and so he might wish to comment. Dekay, as you might guess there are very few racks that people bother to import all the way to New Zealand, one being Mana but they are expensive. But there is a firm in Auckland that probably makes about 50% of all audiophile racks sold in NZ, and the owner is a wonderful man who makes to order at no extra charge, so I usually just fax my designs off to him. I have come to believe that the best design is to follow the Mana example. That is, use 3mm thick L-section bright steel, about 18mm by 18mm. I think this sounds better than tubular steel, but the difference is not great. Even the typical commercial 1mm thick tubular steel racks sound OK with the Neuance, just a little different - generally a little thinner through the mids and less smooth on top - but the difference is not great. While logic might suggest using three points, I find four points is better, provided you are prepared to be meticulous about making sure the shelf sits equally on all four points.
Have a look at , then click on Products, to see some pictures of the mana supports.
RedKiwi: Thanks for the info and the site. I am very enthused about the relocation as I will finally be able to experiment with speaker cable due to the shorter runs, plus I won't have to worry about the pets mixing it up with the gear anymore.
Transfer is key. Sceince dictates that all resonations or vibrations have a frequency. So all things must change the sound. Try throwing you cat under a component, the sound will change. Bad idea but a cup of water will work for this demo, fill it to the top using a tall glass then listen. Now empty the glass and replace it and listen again neat huh!
Yes the sound changes but what scenerio is more accurate they are both wrong because in both scenarios with the exception of my friend using the brass acorn nuts what most products do is resonate or change resonations altering sound like the water did and like the glasses.After trying audiopoints and noticing that they reduced distoration dramatically, I studied the physics and found they work every time you use them and unlike other stuff they do not add flavor (there own resonante frequency)becuase they are designed to drain or transfer vibration leaving you only with the music and are built upon proven laws of science and physics. There is no guessing involved someone has already figured it out. Try it!
Rick: Is "audiopoints" a specific product? If so where may I find info on them? David.