Isolation vs. Absorbtion

I am new to the audiophile hobby, and I am confused by what appears to be subjectivity and contradictions. When "mounting" a cd player and other components, is it best to use Soft Pads which ISOLATE vibration and RETAIN internal component vibration, OR is it best to use Hard Cones, which DRAIN (harmful) component vibrations into shelf material. Secondly, is it best to attach shelving to racks so that shelving makes Direct (hard) Contact - OR, should the shelving be Isolated from rack? Is there a scientific, indisputable answer?
Dr A,
I keep hearing mention of these fabulous technologies and for some curious reason,they are always linked to Systrum/Audiopoint products.
Would you explain what is new or radical about the principles involved or even just the basic concepts behind the product?
The Systrum looks like a decent rapid evacuation device but I see absolutely nothing to indicate any major advancement or breakthru technology.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
I would LOVE to discuss isolation theory with you.
Just try it! I did and that is how I became a fan. The rest you will figure out for yourself. The concept did not seem to be to left wing to try, so If you agree try if not I understand. I get your point on the link to sistrum, what got my gander is that after all the money I have spent pursuing perfection a "Rack" made a difference. There are lots of testimonials already on this site from guys that have tried it. As far as disscusion about isolation I tried it I liked it but I no longer do it. I learned.
Have fun and keep your ear tuned.
While I had some time to wander away from my suite at T.H.E.Show on Saturday,I stopped by Starsounds room and gave the Systrum a look and listen in rm #1506.I found it interesting, even promising, considering the variables of doing these shows.
For the sake of the good people that are the real audiogon forum members, please expand on your previous statements that extoll on the virtues of the Systrum stand.
Why don't you tell us about the technology,since that seems to be the whole thrust of these testimonials?
Does it have something to do with the cute "Clef" design?
Better yet and more importantly,what do you think the Systrum does in your own system?
What are it's primary musical contributions and character?
What is the "difference" you heard? Why would someone want or need the device?
Please be specific. I rather not hear the pseudo scientific or commercial tripe that has been bandied about so freely to date.Just an honest assesment is all I ask.
Also ,do you have commercial ties to the company? I notice that you are currently selling an awful lot of JMLabs speakers ,Transparent and Straightwire cables,etc for being a typical hobbyist. Could it be that you have a Starsound/Systrum/Audiopoints dealership as well?

-Having a great time.
Ken Lyon
Ok but first there is a thread here where we introduce yourself to the group and disclose our backgruond and what we do now.I cannont seem to find where it is please help.
Perhaps a simple "tag" at the end of a post would suffice when speaking on topics and products where those that might have a commercial interest are involved?
That has been my own approach and it seems to be an easy way for folks to weight my opinions.
My concern is that this forum not loose its value to its readers because of encroaching commercialism.I consider it a valuable, informative and entertaining resource for AG's community of audio hobbyists.
When I can assist or inform without actively promoting my business I often do so.
I also blather for my personal entertainment about non business related topics as any hobbyist would do without necessarily feeling the need to announce my background.
If my joining into a topic would result in actions that might be considered commercial activism, I will refrain from entering the thread.
In addition, I believe it would be acceptable to speak of my product/business ONLY if I respond to direct questions or to correct misstatements and always and only ON POINT.
Another area that should be acceptable is offering opinion and advice in the areas of general principles,applications and technologies in our given area(s) of expertice, again provided that we not advocate our own products specifically.
With honesty, respect and openness, I think that industry participation can be a positive thing for Audiogon but unrestrained commercialism would be a negative and even destructive element.
I hope you agree with me.
Ken Lyon