While I had some time to wander away from my suite at T.H.E.Show on Saturday,I stopped by Starsounds room and gave the Systrum a look and listen in rm #1506.I found it interesting, even promising, considering the variables of doing these shows.
For the sake of the good people that are the real audiogon forum members, please expand on your previous statements that extoll on the virtues of the Systrum stand.
Why don't you tell us about the technology,since that seems to be the whole thrust of these testimonials?
Does it have something to do with the cute "Clef" design?
Better yet and more importantly,what do you think the Systrum does in your own system?
What are it's primary musical contributions and character?
What is the "difference" you heard? Why would someone want or need the device?
Please be specific. I rather not hear the pseudo scientific or commercial tripe that has been bandied about so freely to date.Just an honest assesment is all I ask.
Also ,do you have commercial ties to the company? I notice that you are currently selling an awful lot of JMLabs speakers ,Transparent and Straightwire cables,etc for being a typical hobbyist. Could it be that you have a Starsound/Systrum/Audiopoints dealership as well?
-Having a great time.
Ken Lyon
While I had some time to wander away from my suite at T.H.E.Show on Saturday,I stopped by Starsounds room and gave the Systrum a look and listen in rm #1506.I found it interesting, even promising, considering the variables of doing these shows.
For the sake of the good people that are the real audiogon forum members, please expand on your previous statements that extoll on the virtues of the Systrum stand.
Why don't you tell us about the technology,since that seems to be the whole thrust of these testimonials?
Does it have something to do with the cute "Clef" design?
Better yet and more importantly,what do you think the Systrum does in your own system?
What are it's primary musical contributions and character?
What is the "difference" you heard? Why would someone want or need the device?
Please be specific. I rather not hear the pseudo scientific or commercial tripe that has been bandied about so freely to date.Just an honest assesment is all I ask.
Also ,do you have commercial ties to the company? I notice that you are currently selling an awful lot of JMLabs speakers ,Transparent and Straightwire cables,etc for being a typical hobbyist. Could it be that you have a Starsound/Systrum/Audiopoints dealership as well?
-Having a great time.
Ken Lyon