Isolation vs. Absorbtion

I am new to the audiophile hobby, and I am confused by what appears to be subjectivity and contradictions. When "mounting" a cd player and other components, is it best to use Soft Pads which ISOLATE vibration and RETAIN internal component vibration, OR is it best to use Hard Cones, which DRAIN (harmful) component vibrations into shelf material. Secondly, is it best to attach shelving to racks so that shelving makes Direct (hard) Contact - OR, should the shelving be Isolated from rack? Is there a scientific, indisputable answer?
Ok but first there is a thread here where we introduce yourself to the group and disclose our backgruond and what we do now.I cannont seem to find where it is please help.
Perhaps a simple "tag" at the end of a post would suffice when speaking on topics and products where those that might have a commercial interest are involved?
That has been my own approach and it seems to be an easy way for folks to weight my opinions.
My concern is that this forum not loose its value to its readers because of encroaching commercialism.I consider it a valuable, informative and entertaining resource for AG's community of audio hobbyists.
When I can assist or inform without actively promoting my business I often do so.
I also blather for my personal entertainment about non business related topics as any hobbyist would do without necessarily feeling the need to announce my background.
If my joining into a topic would result in actions that might be considered commercial activism, I will refrain from entering the thread.
In addition, I believe it would be acceptable to speak of my product/business ONLY if I respond to direct questions or to correct misstatements and always and only ON POINT.
Another area that should be acceptable is offering opinion and advice in the areas of general principles,applications and technologies in our given area(s) of expertice, again provided that we not advocate our own products specifically.
With honesty, respect and openness, I think that industry participation can be a positive thing for Audiogon but unrestrained commercialism would be a negative and even destructive element.
I hope you agree with me.
Ken Lyon
With some hesitancy, I want to just support what Ken is saying. I am a bit hesitant, because it may be my repeated enthusiastic descriptions of Ken's products which have encouraged this suspicious promotion of the Sistrum gear and Audiopoints. When I started a thread on this topic, I had never heard of Ken or Neuance, but I was really looking for help from any poster who might have tried something that did the job well, and was particularly interested if someone could tell me that Polycrystal, Symposium or some other of the stuff I had heard of was the answer. I needed this help because I live in New Zealand and the only way I can try most of this stuff is by buying it. Without digging out the original post, my recollection is that Ken's first post on the topic was a genuine attempt to help me and encouraged me to pursue the light/rigid/damped shelf approach - an approach I had already suggested was what I thought was probably ideal, but I had had no success finding such a shelf previously. Ken did suggest his own Neuance shelf, but to his credit he also suggested other products from other manufacturers that he felt were also following the light/rigid/damped idea. In a later post Ken offered to send me a used shelf for the cost of the freight, so that I could try it. I was delighted with it and when I ordered two more I tried to pay Ken more fully for the first shelf, but he refused. I outline all of this because I believe Ken has acted totally honourably in introducing me (and some others) to his product through this forum. Like he and others here, I am suspicious of the way that the Sistrum/Audiopoints has been promoted on this site recently. I retain an open mind on the gear, but I reckon Ken is giving Draudio et al some good advice on how to be taken seriously, rather than being dismissed as posting shameless self-promotion.
I would second the last two posts. I believe it's very helpful to have the makers of products relavent to the discusion to include themselves in the thread. It only will raise the level of knowledge for all of us, but I do want to know if the person on the other end is pushing a point for his/her personal gain. So a simple title like Ken's is great. I was reluctant at first of Redkiwi's posts because he talked so well of Neuance and had such extensive knowledge. It became apparent after some time that he was just an excited audio guy, much like me when I find something I want everyone to try. So please dealers and inventers continue your involvement, just let us know you have a stake in the product. J.D.
I appreciate your imput, and value your thought. I will comply on a new thread as we are way off topic. However today I added a new idea I had to my listening room about 700 Brass screws straight into the joists, I listen in nearfeild and wow I mean "WOW!!!...". Try it if you can, a wack of them in the corner can realy reduce corner loading.
P.S. If your that curios right now, check my email address many have and soome have even called me knowing exactly who I am. A good tip for future curiosity you may have with identity isues unless someone is realy trying to be sneaky, their is quite a few all over these sites as you already know. Probably the majority my guess. I wonder if were just trying to sell each other on our ideas, that would be irony. However I would still be here preaching my passion and learning what I can.
Keep your ear tuned!