does anyone know how to decrease this problem ? My preAmp transformer hums (not through speakers)... Is this because of my power supply ? I already have a dedicated line. Or is it because the transformer is going bad ? would line conditioners help ?
Thanks everyone for the help. I won't go and by a conditioner becuase after placing the decreased. I can still hear it, but only if my ear is within 12" or so of the preamp. I guess it is ok now ?
Where do you purchase sorbahane and what form/shapes does it come in? I have seen it mentioned in other threads, but only recall seeing some little half sphere footers of sort that I think were made out of this substance. I would like to try it out on the power supply of a tube amp that I have and would like it in washer form if possible for a rack that I am planning.
Re: Sorbothane, have a look at the following page on their website, , it may help you. Email them from the link button and they will give you more info on the available form/shapes and where to obtain, hope this helps, regards, Richard.
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