I AM EXPERIENCING A SPIT AND SPUTTER SOUND FROM THE LEFT CHANNEL OF MY Defy 7 amp after it warms up for an hour. this is not tube related. When I change left channel signal tubes with the right channel signal tubes, the noise stays in the left channel. All other components in the chain have been checked out. Any advice would be appreciated. thanks
I think Rcprince is the person you should listen to for help in the New York area. He is VERY knowledgeable in regard to Jadis. If the problem is a resistor or cap(may also be a faulty connection), you might want to do a parts upgrade while the amp is apart. There is a shop in Philadelphia that used to sell Jadis. He stopped carrying Jadis last year. Seems that the US Jadis dealer network is all but gone. He reports his issue is with the product support for US customers. His stated opinion is that the sound is impeccable, but the support is abysmal(hopefully, I won't have to find out firsthand). I have no experience on their quality of service, but the owner says they are excellent(would he say otherwise...). If all else fails, and you don't mind driving 90 minutes, I could refer you to him.
Got the 7mk4.Had a similar problem. Mine sounded like bacon frying w/o the aroma.Exchanged just the very front tube R/to/L.My center immage shifted.Not sure why that happened.Couldn't live with that. I re swapped back. While the amp was playing,I pushed down on this tube with a wiggly motion/ problem gone.Be nice if yours got cleared up that easy.
Trelja's correct on this--there is one authorized repair facility in the US I know of, and he's located in Colorado, I believe. The importer has narrowed the dealer network considerably. You might also want to ask Lyric Hi-Fi in Manhattan, as I believe they are an authorized Jadis dealer or at least have been while Northstar has been the distributor. They may have a local recommendation as well.
One more possibility is Savant Audio down in Princeton, who I believe has a technician who can service Jadis.
I dont mean to get off the subject, but Jadis has always been on my short list to buy and try. Isnt the beauty of a tube amp design is its easy of repair. Ive been told that there a less than a dozen platforms by which tube amps are based therefore any qualified tech should be able to repair most problems encountered. Most manufacturers do not use custom caps or resisitors which are commonly the problem, therefore getting replacement would be somewhat easy. Am I wrong here? I am fortunate to live near a hobbyist/amp designer who has managed to diagnsose and repair every tube amp problem ive had.