Power Conditioner for your amplifier?

Lately, I've been toying with the idea of trying a power conditioner on my amplifier (ARC VT-100 MkII). I know there has been much written about going straight into the wall with your amp (which is what I am doing currently), but has anyone had any luck with plugging your amplifier into a conditioner? Specifically, I've been thinking of a non-limiting device, such as a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet or a UPC-200.
Has anyone had success using a power conditioner on your amplifier - yes / no? Any thoughts and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. In advance, thanks, and happy listening!
sorry folks...this was meant to be for a related but different thread...no idea how i was looking at one thread and this post ended up here...at least its related. It was meant for bigpond's own page...strange...anyway...thank you to everyone for your informative posts here!
Have Audience 6TSSD both Rowland 8T then PASS 350.8 sound best through Audience 6TSSD. Quieter and more definition using conditioner better stage depth etc.
General rule is to never plug an amp into a power conditioner.

There are a few exceptions, but a well designed amp doesn't need power conditioning (at least nothing that most current third party providers offer).

The more poorly designed power supply in any component. ..the more you need (or will notice) improvements by conditioning.
^^ this is incorrect, here is why:

Power conditioning if done right will have the following aspects:

1) regulates line voltage
2) prevents high frequency noise (most electronics should be immune to this BTW)
3) prevents low frequency harmonics (the most deliterious is the 5th harmonic which can cause buzzing and mechanical noise- Fluke Instruments published a paper on this), IOW puts out an undistorted sine wave.
4) blocks DC on the line.

I've yet to encounter a 'high end audio' power conditioner that can do all these things but there are conditioners that can do this made for commercial/industrial applications. As a result we do not recommend high end audio power conditioners for our amps as I have yet to run into one that works. Usually they cause more trouble. But a power conditioner that works is another matter entirely. Elgar is an example of a company that made such conditioners although they appear to have gotten out of the market some years ago. Here is an example of one of their conditioners that really works:
