Blind Listening Tests?

I would like help locating any articles or studies on the subject of blind listening tests as it relates to high end audio equipment. I realize this is akin to blasphemy for many who are into this hobby, however, the more times I read of people claiming to hear audible differences between certain components and system set-ups, the more skeptical I become.(e.g. equipment racks ,interconnects,etc.)The fact that virtually every major audio publication is so adamently against the idea only adds to my skepticism.

Before I invoke the wrath of this site's faithful, let me clarify that I am not doubting the sincerity of those who claim to hear sonic differences between certain components. However, believing that an audible difference exists when one knows that he is listening to a piece of equipment that is generally well regarded or made by a well respected manufacturer is entirely different from being able to detect the difference in a blind listening scenario. Given the undisputed connection between the mind and our perceptions, why is there so much sentiment against such tests? Couldn't the results of such testing be simply another piece of information that we could factor in to our purchasing decisions. It seems to me that those who are so sure of ther critical listening ability (i.e. all stereophile reviewers) should not hesitate to prove their skills.

I look forward to any help in directing me to more information on the subject.Thanks, Don.
PS: I will also assume that the cancer in the rats exposed to stock cable is in remission. Life on the Internet can be a positive addition to life in the real world after all.
The rodie for the Greatful Dead could actually see the distortion from the speakers. I know, some of you may scoff at this, but for those of us with highly developed audio abilities blind testing is clearly out of the question.
How much is the effect on the sound quality of the component under blind tested due to the addition of switching gear? You gotta have switching in order to test right away in between different tested components.
Good switching will not affect the sound quality. That can be tested for by doing a double-blind test on the ABX switcher itself, by swapping it with straight wire to see if the listener can distinguish the difference.