Capacitance: Help me understand

I have been trying to match interconnects with my system. everyone keeps telling me I probably have a capacitance problem with the Wireworld Gold Eclipse III that connects my preamp and amp. I have no idea of what this is, but Isure can hear the effect it is supposedly causing, a too deep soundstsage with diminished volume from the center image.Can someone explain capacitance to me? I am not stupid, just clueless.
I think Bruce1483 is correct on this issue - this sounds more like a speaker placement problem. I can assure you it is not the capacitance of the WW Gold Eclipse III cables - they are a low capacitance design.
I have interconnects that will COMPLETELY change the soundstage and tonal balance due to their high capacitance design. Mids are slightly distant and sunken, highs are smoother with less splash, bass is slightly elevated which adds warmth, etc... These work fabulous for systems that are bright, hard or way too forward. As such, they can take a digital based SS system and turn it into something that is warm and musical. A few others have commented about this cable in the past. Like anything else though, the results are both system dependent and up to personal tastes. ANY interconnect that uses a foil shield is a high capacitance design. Sean
Rzado - how do you come to the conclusion that the Wireworld are low capacitance? Here we have two "shield-type" braids separated by a very thin layer of teflon. Large surface, very close together - am I missing something?
It's all relative. One farad is high capacitance, but not as high as ten farads and should be relatively inconsequential at audio frequencies. A few picofarads per foot is very low in comparison to either. If any decent audio cable really affects the tonal balance, it is probably more a matter of the electronics design; that is, circuit performance susceptible to minor load characteristic changes. I know this is not a popular position with all, but there...I sadi it. :)
Please let me clear up one small item in my post above. I knew that a vacuum was a better dielectric than air, but assumed that no vacuum interconnects existed. I was wrong. I saw an ad last night in Stereophile for "the worlds first vacuum interconnect." Who would have imagined?
I also don't think that "ANY interconnect that uses a foil shield is a high capacitance design." If enough space is left between the center conductor and the shield, it can be low capacitance.
I was curious about the Wireworlds, so I went to their website, but they don't post the electrical specs of their cables.
I agree with Sean that cables can affect the tonal balance of a system and that it is system dependent. I based my speaker placement theory on the description from Ignatz that he had "a too deep soundstsage with diminished volume from the center image."
Ignatz, I have some very low capacitance single ended homebrew cables that I would be happy to let you try. Send your address to me and I'll mail them to you. Also, what length do you need?