Amp Hum

I have an old adcom amp that makes a fairly loud hum when it is on. Does anyone have any suggestions to get rid of this? Thanks
Try unplugging every appliance in your house one by one. I had an amp that hummed. The hum stopped when I unplugged my waterbed heater. I bought a new waterbed heater and the problem was solved.
I cannot take the credit, but someone on another thread suggested a way to stop an amp humming. Teach it the words.
Have you tried using a ground cheater. Ace hardware sells them for $1 and it converts a 3 prong plug into 2. I have some tube monos which need them, and a pair of SS monos which dont.
Sailor, contrary to the above post, don't give up the ship yet! Is the hum from the amp chassis or the speakers? Is the hum constant, or intermittent? Is it source dependent?