Phase Inversion on CJ equipment

The manual for my CJ pre-amp has warnings periodically saying that the pre-amp is not phase-inverting. This means that I have to send the red output on my amp to the black input on the speaker in order to get the driver to go the right way. They say that they do this for purity reasons, to avoid any added distortion. Why don't other manufacturers do this if its so great? Also, does anyone know what this is doing to my amplifier now that I've mix-matched the hot lead?
The explanation that Bruce gives parrots exactly what CJ describes in the 17LS manual. A phase inverting component is a bit unusual in the audio world which is why CJ points it out so explicitly in their manuals (and conversely, points out that the Premiere amps are not phase inverting). Simply follow the advice in the manual for the preamp and things will work correctly. I'm also surprised that your preamp is phase correct -- I was under the impression that all of the CJ preamps were inverted. Live and learn.

As for playing CD's, I haven't found quite as many phase inverted CD's as metaphysics estimates, so correct phase alignment in the system overall is generally important for best sound. Which of course begs the question as to why an engineer would invert the phase on a CD in the first place, but that's another topic...

I was speakig of the CJ tube pre amps. I have no knowledge of their solid state units so I would take Sugarbrie's advice and consult the manual or e:mail CJ. I have always found them to be very responsive.
On Phase inverted Compact Disks, I've read that reversing the speaker wires won't help you. Something else in the signal path needs to be changed. The Rotel RCD-990 CD player has a phase inverting switch on the remote. I've also read that phase inverted CDs sometimes happens by accident.