Budget system recommendations

If you needed to build a second system for yourself or a friend what would you recommend in the areas of amp, pre-amp, and speakers? This system would be a compilation of USED components. The budget is $1200. What percentage would you recommend for each of the three components?
What components would you recommend for the system?
Thank you for your suggestions
Here's the system I just put together for my girlfriend: Marantz CD63se- used $150, Bryston B2 power amp 60W- used $250 ( 20 yrs old but hey it's a Bryston ) PSB "image" series 2B speakers- new but slight scratch on the cherry veneer $250, used DH Labs T-14 speaker cables & BL2 interconnects- $100, a TOTAL of $750, The CD player has a remote with volume, so no immediate need for a pre. Great sound, and wow, I can see/hear that I'm quite a ways up the ol' diminishing returns curve with MY pricey gear...
A friend recently paired a Jolida 202A ($450 - used) with Triangle Titus speakers ($400 - new). Although he has yet to settle in on a CD player, the amp-speaker combo seems to be really good with everything we've plugged into it (Sony XA20ES, Ah Njoe Tjoeb, NAD 540). Anyway, the $350 left over should be enough for a decent CD player and used cables (used cables tend to be heavily discounted).