Just to correct an error or misconception here, i am not an EE and have never been to any formal "school" for electronics. I am pretty much "self taught" via personal study while receiving "insights" from friends that are EE's or folks with their bachelors. Combine this with a LOT of hands on experience and that's where i fall into the game. As such, i am always willing to learn but am also limited in my current understanding and level of electronics knowledge. As was mentioned in previous threads though, this hasn't stopped me from working on electronics for a living or as a design consultant for over a half dozen manufacturers in my field of work.
In some ways, not being "trained" to look at things from a "conventional" textbook point of view has helped me. In other ways, my lack of formal training also puts me at a disadvantage compared to others that may have a better fundamental knowledge of what is going on in a complex circuit. Between my business partners degree and studies in electronics and my hands on experience, we have been able to work together quite advantageously though.
If i offended some EE's in one of my other posts, i do applogize. I have a great amount of respect for those that have formal educations in ANY field. It takes a LOT of patience and hard work to achieve what they have done. However, i do have to say that i have even more respect for those that make use of that knowledge and are NOT content to sit on their laurels. Push the envelope of your knowledge and skills, for your own sake. Sean
In some ways, not being "trained" to look at things from a "conventional" textbook point of view has helped me. In other ways, my lack of formal training also puts me at a disadvantage compared to others that may have a better fundamental knowledge of what is going on in a complex circuit. Between my business partners degree and studies in electronics and my hands on experience, we have been able to work together quite advantageously though.
If i offended some EE's in one of my other posts, i do applogize. I have a great amount of respect for those that have formal educations in ANY field. It takes a LOT of patience and hard work to achieve what they have done. However, i do have to say that i have even more respect for those that make use of that knowledge and are NOT content to sit on their laurels. Push the envelope of your knowledge and skills, for your own sake. Sean