CARA - Room Acoustic Software

We're very much not into doing sales-pitch type posts, but after reading through several threads in this forum, we realized that questions regarding software for room acoustics were frequent enough that if we tried to answer every thread, we'd *really* feel obnoxious!

So... the lesser of two evils

CARA is a comprehensive room acoustic modelling package designed and developed by German physicist: Dr. Ulrich Thomanek. Dr. Thomanek worked with ELAC GmbH for many years and used computer models to bring their loudspeakers to be the number two in Germany.

He started ELAC Technische Software as a spinoff dedicated to his computer programs associated with loudspeaker modelling and room acoustics. CARA 2.0 is the product.

Rather than get into too many details here, I'll send you to where they have lots of information regarding CARA and a walkthrough. The site is in both English and German.

Early last year, Rhintek became the US representative for ETS and CARA. We have a strong background in software development, but are relatively new to the high-end audio industry. Our website is:

Thanks for your time, I'll probably be lurking around here on occasion as it looks like this forum is a good place for me to gain more understanding.

Kristin VanVranken,
Rhintek Incorporated
The short answer is yes.

To expand on the subject, once a new object is placed in a model using the CAD tool there are three calculation options available, position optimization, sound field calculation and special calculation.

Position optimization would indicate if a new speaker/listener postition would be appropriate (or how well it would work). Sound field calculation could be used to visually compare set ups. These two sets of calculations can take awhile to complete; sometimes on the order of days. Special calculation runs through the basic calculations once and seems to be most useful for quick feedback. It's the "what if" feature in my opinion.

Each of these has a number of user defineable variables available (listed under the general categories of SPL Target Functions, Variational Ranges, Weightings and Parameters) that I won't go into detail on at this time. Hope that's helpful.
Yes that is helpful.

That sounds like fun. Most of the little toys we get for our systems are stuff that we plug in and then listen to. That is certainly fun but this, OH THIS lends itself to ENDLESS tinkering in pursuit of a high science as well as good sound. And to think only $50

Now all I need is a Cray supercomputer...maybe I could get deep blue to come on over....
While i haven't seen my September Stereophile yet, i guess that they talk about this program, maybe even review it. Based on Frank's ( Frap ) comments and what i read on their website, i've ordered their "package deal". This consists of the computer program and a CD of test tones, etc... Since most of my rooms are quite irregular, along with that of my brother's house and my Dad's, this should come in REAL handy once it shows. I know that Doug ( aka Sedond ) also ordered it, so we'll probably start seeing more comments about it here and on other audio forums pretty soon. For the record, they are currently back ordered on these items but do expect them in sometime very soon. Sean
Very interesting posts!!
Please keep us updated with your experiences....mine is an irregular room with open access to other areas. Does the program provide for this as well.
So far I´ve made calculations with easily available tools on the net and good'ol SPL + Excel chart plotting.
Definitely looking for tools like this
I've been using CARA for a couple of months. It works wonderfully and I highly recommend it. I've been able to confirm the results with my Tact RCS.

The only major flaw is that it would take an unrealistically long time (several years) to do an accurate set of calculations for all but an empty rectangular room.

One interesting thing that I've found is that in a model system, I do not end up with anything close to the Cardas placement of speakers even in a room with Cardas' recommended dimensions. This isn't too concerning because my room is no where near perfect.

I noticed an immediate improvement in soundstage and tonal balance when I put my speakers in the weird assymetric places that CARA recommended.