Darn it, I scratched my Roland Now what

For some stupid reason I was cleaning one of the shelves of my stero rack and a I accidently hit the top of the shelf with my Roland gear causing a nice scratch on the top plate. ( black ) Thanfully it is not to the metal but more of a good rub mark. This is ( was ) an expensive piece of equipment. Any ideas on how I could possibly remove this dreadful mark.
The response by Abstract7 was good -- you could also use some jeweler's rouge as a buffing compound (the kind used on buffing wheels). Rub some rouge on a soft, damp cloth and apply. When the scratch is reduced to an acceptable point, some liquid car polish on the entire top plate should complete the job.
jeff rowland's products are anodized rather than painted. in my experience, products designed to deal with painted surfaces do not work very well on anodized surfaces and can, in fact, cause greater harm than good. i've had the same problems with scratches/scuffs; i've been able to correct them, i'm sorry to say, only by obtaining replacement parts. can't hurt to try abstact7's solution, of course, but do test on the underside of your piece first. good luck. i hate it when that happens! -kelly
Gare what a bummer: sorry to hear about that, but it happens to most of us sooner or later. If you must try a compound: get POLISHING compound not rubbing compound. Some times a black permanent marker (Sharpie ultra fine tip) or a Marks-a-lot can be used to to fine-touchup small injuries on black surfaces
Dude, you could just chill out. that's my advice. no offense at all because we've all been there but sometimes we all need to chill about this stuff. and sometimes we need someone to remind us. in this case it's me. chill, bruthah.