System sounds better at night?

I have noticed that my system sounds MUCH better at night, after about 10pm than at any other time of day. It is clearer, more open and transparent, with a blacker background. Another audiophile told me that this is not real, it's just that there is less noise in the household at night. I disagree in that what I hear (or don't hear) is not simply due to less ambient noise but rather cleaner sound. Will power line conditioners simulate these effects during the day? Has anyone else noticed this and what is the most effective way to get better sound during the daytime? Serious responses only, please.
Not only do AC lines have lower demands placed upon them, much of what is heard in sonic improvements at night is due to reduced activity from traffic, construction, etc.The low frequency waves generated are extremely powerful and disruptive and can travel dozens of miles without dissipating.

MP your idea about humidity goes against the jist of the other postings. Humidity goes up at night as the temperature falls closer to the dew point. Everyone is saying there systems improve (at night with higher relative humidities) so a dehumidifier would go the other way. If anything you need to add a humidifier. Don't think so....
This was interesting to read as I noticed this in years past and just chalked it up to less distractions. My brother told me he noticed this also not long ago. Now I read there may be some truth to it!!!
My system alway's sound's better to me at 3:00 or 4:00am, too think I thought it was the case of beer I drank and all the women that were coming over from the bar! Well that still might be some of it!
Mine also sounds better at night. At night people are in bed sleeping so you have fewer electricity poluting things on line. I found that as I go around turning things off for the night my system gets quieter.

Your neighbors polute your electricity. Things like fluorescent lights, TVs, dimmer swithches. These things and many more put garbage in the electrical system which shows up in the background of your system.