Replacement pwr supply for Aragon 24k

Looks like the ips gave up and I'm now in need of a replacement. The pwr supply is the standard piece that comes with this pre although the updated ips would work. Pity Mondial is out of business. Thanks and enjoy the music.
didn't Klipshe buy out mondial?
I had this PS flake on me as well. The parts on this PS
seem a bit small, and when I changed the verister out
as directed by the past owner of Mondial, I also added
a fatter power cord and the board couldn't support it.
So it was the mod in my case, but the fact that the
pre's next owner was used to handling only stage gear
didn't help. :)

A nice piece that would work for you would be the Krell KPS. One mod
needed, as the KPS comes out via a multi-pin computer cable, and would
need to be checked as it has 2 pins +24v for Krells (sometimes) 2 power
channels; and would need the XLR to fit the 24K.
That's a nice pre and great to mod, till you get to the
PS. :)
Thanks again for all your replies. Steve at Klipsch asked about a fuse but I don't see one anywhere. He even looked at a schematic while I had him on the phone and he could not locate one either. Satch thanks for the link but it looks like the upgraded ips. I have the standard version which should be simpler. Spiro the Krell may be my next recourse if I can't find a ps. Stay tuned
Do you have the IPS or the standard, rectangular power supply?

Either way, my suggestion is to have it repaired.
I have the standard. Hope I can obtain a new one or as you suggested have it repaired.
I have a 47K phono stage with a stock power supply. I'm looking to upgrade the sps to something like the IPS but they are discontinued. Does anyone here know if we can use something like this...

It's a Variable Regulated Power Supply intended for Laboratory use. Can be set to the desire 24VDC and over 250ma. What I'm not sure of is if the requiered +24vdc, - 24vdc can be fulfilled by adapting the cable to the + and - plus Ground into the 3-pin connector which goes to the 47K/24K units. ( I'm guessing so excuse me...).


PS: camino3x2 I sent you an email through another site where you reviewed the Aragon gear...thanks!