Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??

Anyone ever read about this audio critic? his site is at but for the real deal go there and scroll down to 'audio critique' and click on that link and you will not be able to stop reading. i recommend reading his 'philosophy' first and then his 'recommended components list' - although i know you guys will reverse that order; it was worth a try.
This guy has some very interesting things to say about audio and has really gotten hot and heavy with the top magazines and he's published his heated correspondences with them and you'll love it.
Please comment here after reading about this guy.
We're progressing quite nicely, I think. D-K, a scotch chaser should do the trick *and* keep the urinary background vocals going as well (candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker...). Detlof, there *must* be a pill combination that impairs one's hearing while keeping us happy with the tunes -- cheaper than having to upgrade all the time. Also, don't have to worry about the PPC's power: mine is currently down to 219V, and dropping. Maybe I'll get a 219/230% discount on the next bill...
Nilthepill, have you replaced the tube?
Kubla, can you give us feedback on the sonic experience of the morpho-scopolamine Detlof suggested?
Any takers for my stash of lithium? Detlof has forbidden it for me but hasn't *yet* said anything about the rest of us...
made bail this morning; on the way over to dekay's house to gather up the pills before he wakes up. I hope he has left me at least some good one's.
Thunders, nice to see you out again, was it with the help of Cornfedboy? How expensive is he? Might need him soon for malpractice, you never know...Greg, truly fascinating question you pose. I gave it some thought and I suppose Melleril might do the trick in combination with a beta-blocker, but I haven't found out which yet, because it should enhance the antidepressant quality of the drug. The serotininereuptakeinhibitors won't do here and its a bit risky to consider those good old Mao blockers, because you never know what else the guys may be taking as well. No Melleril would be our safest bet, though its tough to find the right dosage. Mite 20mg 6 hours before listening should do for audio journalists, 30-40 mg of the normal stuff should do for us ordinary folks. If that doesn't work, we will have to seriously consider the hypothesis of those who maintain, that the difference heard between amps, wire et al is all in the mind. In that case we will have to consider neuroleptics, or get an old electro-shock machine through e-bay, the one with tubes do best, would use lobotomy only at the last resort, I think. About your lithium Greg, Kubla might need some on a regular basis, all depends how he is, once he's awake again. You could of cause also start an auction for your stash. Its good for audiophiles who are in danger of budget busting..... in other words for practically all of us. Set the reserve fairly high, you might make a fortune. "Twiddle-dee-twiddle-dum" as Jamie, the great Irish bard used to say.
J, take it easy on the driving... don't U want out of circulation again. Between you & D-K's pills, take it real cool. How about Kubla doing the driving after the party -- Kubla R U sober???
Hey, Detlof, it seems we're keyboarding simultaneously. Just saw yr post after posting mine.

Reserve on lithium set high, guys. 10/10 quality and condition. Shipment *included*.

Detlof, I've wanted to ask this: do you speak Hungarian?

Cheers all (I just popped some serotininereuptakeinhibitors and feel cheery). Copied that one from Detlof.