Arthur Salvatore WoW comments??

Anyone ever read about this audio critic? his site is at but for the real deal go there and scroll down to 'audio critique' and click on that link and you will not be able to stop reading. i recommend reading his 'philosophy' first and then his 'recommended components list' - although i know you guys will reverse that order; it was worth a try.
This guy has some very interesting things to say about audio and has really gotten hot and heavy with the top magazines and he's published his heated correspondences with them and you'll love it.
Please comment here after reading about this guy.
Hey, Detlof, it seems we're keyboarding simultaneously. Just saw yr post after posting mine.

Reserve on lithium set high, guys. 10/10 quality and condition. Shipment *included*.

Detlof, I've wanted to ask this: do you speak Hungarian?

Cheers all (I just popped some serotininereuptakeinhibitors and feel cheery). Copied that one from Detlof.
Don't worry about me driving, they pulled my DL a long time ago. Still, I think I would rather get back in my bright orange county jumpsuit before riding in Khan's taxi. Who do you think gave Dekay all those pills in the first place?

As for me and getting out, no big deal, just another day. I have a few survival secrets for going to jail. Follow these basic steps, starting with no eye contact, ever, with anyone, then:

1) For the first 12 hours act really trashed and loaded (not an act usually); nobody will mess with you if they think there is the possibilty you will throw up on them.

2) Give the biggest dude there your bologna sandwich and koolaid. The koolaid definitely hurts, but I don't eat bologna on a dare.

3) Every six hours or so (that you are awake), fake yourself out and tell yourself you just got there. This one's hard, but if you go enough you can get good at it. A similar technique can make the hunger go away.

4) Before you know it: "Time Served." And viola--here I am!

There are others, but those are the basics, try them out next time you are in. Works for me every time. :-)
Cool, J, thanks. Starting to look forward to my next go. Rent's still paid for, right? May be the only way to get somethng out of my annual tax killing (*my* killing -- not the gov't).

Keep on trucking (with or w/out the DL -- don't let bureaucracy get U down)
J, thanks, 'cause you never know where his will end. Besides, excellent advice also for those newly confined in the closed ward of a looney-bin. The only thing I can add from experience: if they want go give you "smarties" or "vitamines" gladly accept them with your friendliest of smiles, hide them under your tongue, swallow hard and when they're gone SPIT, fast and far. After that, act according to rule # 1 of J's survival rules.
Greg: no, too lazy, since my wife did the talking- she was very polyglotte - but I can swear very long and nicely with a fairly impeccable accent. So I can even make Budapest taxi drivers mad, which is fun, IF you have a car with good acceleration and there is no traffic jam. ( rare these days)
Oh, Greg one other thing, please be careful with those serotininereuptakeinhibitors, because serotininereuptakeinhibitors have an adverse effect on the second thing audiophiles like best, when they are not listening to music, tweaking, cleaning LP's or wasting computer space on Audiogon. I dare not quite tell you what it is, because as a depraved European I cannot be quite sure where political incorrectnes begins chez vouz beyond the pond. A hint however: The action I have in mind, if applied correctly, with good rythm and timing, as well as the apropriate rituals, unlike record cleaning of course, but with a similar effect, ( the highs come out better) before but also AFTER the actual event,(the latter, alas, is often forgotten) MIGHT (though its not garanteed by any means), yes, MIGHT get your significant other better disposed toward your next big purchase, which will drain your common budget and clutter up your living space. That's why I hinted in my other post, having all our many troubles in mind, that serotininereuptakeinhibitors will not do for audiophiles, because we have to be especially on out toes, doing every thing we can for our hobby.
Good advice there, Detlof. Thanks! I'll settle for viagra as a pick me up. Need to double my amp current.

BTW, I, too, am a depraved European; what's worse, I now live in Europe... (Don't you just love depravity?)
