Star Grounding

I would like to star ground the three outlets running from my subpanel to a grounding rod. What is the best method for doing this?
Star grounding, Sean, I think means, that you run a ground from each of your components to one single grounding point.
Correction much appreciated, should I be wrong.
Yes Detlof is right. There have been several lengthy discussions about how to do this, problems with doing it with in Electical Codes, etc. I'm sorry I don't have the references but several electrical (as opposed to electronics) professionals have weighed in and you should really read these. I use a star ground and it really improved things but I have severe electrical quality AND noise problems.
"Star Grounding" is common and the only way to fly for a noise free mobil audio installation. Star grounding means grounding all components to a central ground as the others have mentioned. But for best results all lenghts of ground wire SHOULD BE OF EQUAL WIRE AND LENGHT.
Forgot to mention that its important not to have any of the grounds cross over one another. Picture the center of a star as the grounding point and the points of the star as the ground leads. Thus "Star Grounding". I'm sure you can take it from here Sean. Mikec
Mike--when you say not cross each other, you mean physically, I assume? And thanks, everyone, for the advice. I'm going to star ground my outlets.
See what you think of this: I will have the electrician--helieve it or not, he's more than willing to do all this, unlike some other electricians I've talked to who think it's all nonsense--run a copper grounding rod into the earth. I'll run separate wires of equal length to the grounding rod from my outlets. Then I'll also ground the main breaker box, which is currently only grounded to the copper water pipe, with another wire running from the pipe to the grounding rod. I'm doing this because I've been told that everything should ultimately be tied to the same grounding rod? Does everyone agree?
Or should I just run the three outlets from the subpanel back to the grounding rod?