Main line voltage from PG E

Hello, I live in Calif. and was reading in the paper this morning that PG&E is doing experiments on lowering the voltage from 120 to 116. How is this going to affect our sound system and what do I do to correct it?
If you feel that you need the voltage, you can wire up a small boost transformer and plug it in series with your power cords. A 6 volt boost would give you 122v. The only worry would be if they turn the juice back up. The transformer wouldn't be that large. Only big enough to handle the wattage associated with the boost amount. The transformer would be a 6/32volt X 120/240volt.
Hello, Dekay, I live in central calif (Yosemite Nat'l Park) and from here to Sacramento PG&e is the power co. I guess you have Edison. PG&E is the one that filed bk. Meanwhile I guess I will contact PS audio and see what they have to say. Thanks to all for the info so far.
116 would be a 3% drop in voltage. Your system is probably rated 115/120 look at the name plate or manual. Even if it is rated 120v it will handle a 3% drop. The trick is not to drop any between your service and the outlet that runs your equipment. I would recomend going to a #10 dedicated circuit for a run under 200' and # 8 for a run 200'-300'. This should do the trick for voltage drop. Test the voltage with a meter at your service then check it at the outlet that will let you know what you are dropping now.