Best vibration tweaks

The components in my system rest on a Lovan rack (not filled). Until recently, I hadn't considered doing much more to control vibrations in my system. But I've noticed that their are some relatively inexpensive (a dangerous phrase in our hobby) tweaks in this department that are available. I'm curious to know what experience others have had with things like Vibrapods, filling their stands with weighted material, airmats, Audiopoints (?), those half-globe gel balls (don't know their name), etc. If you've tried them, how much of an improvement (if any) did they make? Several of these appear to be mutually exclusive, so which do you recommend most? Thanks for your input.
someone over at the atma-sphere users site suggested using butcher blocks for absorption devices. 'cheap' too. i think they'd be especially good used under a turntable with cones. check this site out:

i've been told they'll cut to spec. i'm calling tomorrow. if enough of us call asking about the potential absorption characteristics of these butcher blocks when used in an audiophile context they're going to start hanging up on us so be careful ;-)
Kubla, Are they throwing in a set of steak knives with each purchase? If so write me down for two.
Kubla: Before spending $80-$100 or so on butcher's block and X amount on cone points talk to Ken at Neuance about setting up a shelf/platform specifically for your turntable. He's a vinyl guy himself and the Neuance did wonders for the CAL that I use as a CD transport. I have played around with Maple and cones for a year now and the Neuance sounds much better in my application. The shelves that I had made are custom (with eight sides, not counting the top and bottom) and were only $165 each.
thanks for that dekay. it's hard enough to explain some of this crap to my friends. butcher blocks under all my gear just might have been the end. what i'd really love is one of those turntable isolations Randy at optimal enchantment had under the oracle. the sandbox. can't be hard to make one of those. right??