How Do You Clean Your CD's?

I have been wondering what different products and methods people use to clean their Cd's?
Ag insider logo xs@2xsquiddy
I'm with Bob on this one. I use dish soap and water for greasy fingerprints and then blot dry. I normally use and recommend Palmolive Anti-Bacterial for tasks such as this. Not only does it soften your hands while you do the CD's, they are hypo-allergenically clean enough to eat off of : ) Sean
Nitty Gritty digital disc cleaner. It's about ten years old and still works great.
Some Blockbuster rentals I have rented had been used as a pizza pan. I just let my dog lick them clean. I turn the discs so he only licks in one direction. We both love this method. (Free doggy meal w/ rental.)---Caution; you cat's toungue may be to rough!