improving my system, please help

I have just got a system together recently after a period of no system at all (wife factor). I currently have a CJ PV-7 pre-amp, Oddessy Stratus amp (120,000 uf upgrade), Adcom GCD-750 CD player, Martin Logan SL-3, Gronberg interconnects, Tara Labs (not sure the model) bi-wire speaker cables, isolation cones on the pre and cd player. I have no sound treatments, nor do I understand anything about them. I am on a more restrictive budget than most here on Audiogon. I am considering going to Stratus monos, upgrading to a CJ PV-5/BAT 3i or 5i/Rogue 66 or 99 and perhaps swapping out the GCD-750 for a transport/DAC setup. I am also planning on bringing in 2 dedicated lines and purchasing a HT-2000 for use with all but the amps. If I were to use the HT-2000, would I still benefit by using a dedicated line? any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
A dedicated 20 amp outlet and an inexpensive set of Room Tunes are good cost effective improvements. The HT-2000, will benefit your entire system on a dedicated line. The Rogue 66 should be a bit more musical and open than the CJ, but I think with a limited budget, you might try to upgrade your digital playback first, perhaps with an Audio Refinement or Sony 5 or 7 series CD player. Switching to monoblocks should be saved for later. I also think you can do better on the interconnects at a modest cost, maybe Tara RSC. The Forum is a great place to search for information like this and the guys here are very knowledgeable and helpful.
Dude! Slow Down!

You say you just got a system together and now you want to upgrade. This is a slippery slope you are heading toward!

First, let's talk about why you want to upgrade. What is it about your current setup that leaves you unsatisfied?

If you simply want to play with lots of equipment and have the funds that's cool. If you are looking to reach a specifc goal then the folks who want to help will need to know what you're shooting for.

So - How's about giving some more info for folks to work with?
Have you thought about a Cinepro 20 or 30? Balanced power, conditioning, etc.