Apple Ipod

I got an unexpected $500 bonus at work. So, I've decided to treat myself to an Apple Ipod. I've been into stereo for a long time but MP3's and Ipods are new to me.

Peaks-drunk as a skunk last night I shook the little guy to see if it would disturb it.
No signs at all of skipping I would imagine it's perfect for jogging.
My Ipod has never skipped in the year or so that I've owned it. Some of my buddies however have reported skipping on longer tracks (the Ipod may have trouble keeping its buffer full on these longer tracks).

The Ipod sounds good for what it is, but >>to my ears<< the reduced resolution from my original CDs is easily noticeable.

Ipod has 25 minute buffering. So, you have to continuously shake the ipod for 25 mins to get it to skip... theoretically anyways. I got the second generation portable md player 10 years ago which has 3 minute buffering and that has never skipped.
This issue with a HD based player isn't skipping, but longevity. If you had a computer for any longer than 3 or 4 years you probably know about dying hard drives--and that was in a stationary desk top or limited movement laptop. HDs are incredibly delicate. If your primary use is going to be jogging, I would not advise a HD player.