DACs: Airport Express vs waveterminal vs mini-dac

I know this is impossible to quantify, but with a good stereo system (Cayin TA30 tube integrated amp & Green Mountain Audio Europa speakers), what's the magnitude of difference using the following dacs?

Airport Express (I already have the AX, and can connect it to the integrated amp with RCA's [analog])

Waveterminal U24: computer to USB to waveterminal to amp (waveterminal does the DA conversion)

Inexpensive DAC like ART DIO with waveterminal: computer to USB to waveterminal to ART DIO to amp (ART DIO does DA conversion)

Apogee mini-dac: computer to USB to mini-dac to amp


What's the best bang for the buck?
Bought an AirPort Express and I will be modding it soon... I will let you all know if it is as good as the Transit on a PC.
Folks - first many thanks for taking the time to share your findings - it is much appreciated.

I am also looking for a great sounding solution to go from iTunes on a iMac G5 to my Ack!Dak DAC. The S/PDIF modded Airport Express seems like it would be just what I need technically - but whether I go this route primarily depends on the sound quality.

Audioengr - I'm really looking forward to your experiences with this.

Many thanks,
That is great information from your friend Edumke. Thanks. I also look forward Audioengr to your findings. By the way, Audioengr, do you have a Mac laptop to test your mods on? I would think there would be a great market for Mac specific needs, since we have less flexibility that the PC people have.
Unfortunately I dont have a MAC laptop, and I probably will not buy one. I will look into borrowing one for this.