iTunes star ratings, play count, playlist info

After incredible hassles with several LaCie Terabyte drives (on the Mac), I bit the bullet and bought an Xserve RAID. I have moved the iTunes library to the RAID.

It is, of course, easy to designate the RAID volume as the new library and add the songs, but does anyone have any idea how I can designate one of the RAID volumes as the new iTunes library location but still keep the info that is unique to the old iTunes library, such as star rating, play count, and play lists?


Your question is very unclear. If you actually moved the iTunes library folder to the new drive, then you would have kept all the info the library file contained. It sounds like you moved your music files to the new hard drive, but then started a new iTunes library file. If that's what you did, then you may have lost all the previous information. The iTunes library folder has a default location in the MacIntosh HD/user/(your name)/music/iTunes folder. It's possible that a copy of the older library file has been kept.
O.K. so it sounds like I transferred the iTunes library incorrectly.

How do I do it correctly?
The iTunes library file keeps track of where the music files are located, so when copying your music files you would have to maintain the same drive heirarchy in the new location in order to make use of the old library file. Assuming that's the case all you have to do is copy the old library file to the location I mentioned above. You will lose whatever changes you've made in the interim.