My girlfriend is pissed

I just got my pre-amp back today from C-J and I'd rather listen to music than roll around with her and she is quite angry. Why don't they understand?
I found a two-step solution that works for me:
First, I roll around with her for a while.
Second, after the rolling, I retreat UPSTAIRS to my sanctuary room (computer & stereo) while she stays DOWNSTAIRS with Lifetime and Home Shoppers Network on the Sony.
I wonder if Steves71 still has his girlfriend? It's been 4 years. Maybe they're even married with children now.
Looking at his system thread, it looks like the girlfriend lost. No worries, that rig is a chick magnet! :-)
Well, I too beileve, music is better roll. Especially since the former lasts a lot longer. But seriously, since the rolls last such a short time, get as many while you can. you can always go back to music.