A question concerning ethics

Should business professionals related to the audio field be required to register as such when joining Audiogon or making public posts ? I am talking about those that are involved with manufacturing / marketing / advertising / wholesaling / retailing, etc... audio gear or audio related accessories. After all, if someone is "raving" or "bad-mouthing" a product or product line, i want to know if they are simply a "joe average" end user / consumer or if they have something to gain by promoting or slagging specific products. Would this be out of line in your opinion ?

Obviously, this would be done on the honor system since anybody can make comments with total anonymity and thicken their wallets or take pot-shots at their competition. The fact that MANY that post here have made their affiliations clear only adds credibility to their posts since they were willing to be up-front and honest to begin with. Those that "string along the crowd" can only expect complete distrust once they are found out. I am not going to name names here, but i think that a few of the guilty parties will know who i'm talking about. Sean
I agree it should be disclosed or registered as such. If you click on a "business user" you should find out what business they are involved in (manufacturer, dealer, and the name of the company). However, the people that post statements that they have a financial interest in, and don't disclose it, are likely to avoid registering as a business (or person linked to a business). Most people I feel are pretty honest and disclose these things in their post--catching the few that do not is desirable, but I'm not sure it's very practical.
I feel that it's already taking a place on Audiogon. We can clearly see sometimes dealers and manufacturers taking part in our discussions and in most cases it does make sence.

Very often we ask dealers to help with decision since we can borrow components to listen to. Most of them give a professional and clear recommendations certainly basing on their handled audio equipment which I think is right.

We all have our heads and can always make a choise of dealers and equipment to buy. Within the relatively short period of time of being in this hobby, we know all surrounding us dealers within 70mi radius: what they have and what they offer.

If you see that some dealer recommends his own component in disussion forum, it is realy easy to define whether it's a)going to be a good component match or it's just b)solely for extra free advertising. If case b persist often it is sooner or later will become clearly visible and this dealer/advertiser or both will be simply ingnored on both: marketing and discussion audiogon sections.
Simple code perhaps! Assign the codes RT (retailer) WS (web store)or MF (manufacturer) in the posting name. Of course, one PARTICULAR WB most of us know should be listed as SB (2 interpretations for this one!)
Folks, i can't take credit for such an idea. It has already been implemented in other forums as i mentioned. As such, let's call it "liberal borrowing of ideas" : )

As to the comments that Angela 100 made, i see nothing differentiating any "average joe" from an audio based professional in any way. The only thing that i see that is different is the "bio" for "panelists". The only other thing that i do see is the type of membership, which in most cases states "private member". From information that has recently surfaced in various threads and via private emails, i KNOW that the trust of many "regulars" here has been abused by those with outside motives. This is what brought my attention to the situation.

Since this has been happening, how do you propose that we deal with the situation, go about correcting it and then taking steps to prevent it from happening in the future ? While comments are always welcome, how about some constructive plans ? Working as a group can surely provide better coverage than what just a few minds would come up with. Sean
good question, sean. i think what we're all wary of are anonymous posters who try to appear as "enthusiasts" but are, in fact, connected economically to an undisclosed industry member, dealer, etc. most of the time, these guys get outed by the many skeptics who populate this pub. but not always. i would favor audiogon's requiring EVERY poster to register. i would likewise favor audiogon's implementation of a simple user designation, such as that employed at audio asylum. finally, i would favor the suspension or banning of anyone who tries to "outfox" the designation system by posing as someone whom he/she is not. -cfb