I don't remember much, but I remember......

Not sure about you guys but it seems to me that things are getting a little tense here again and we need to have a little bit of fun! I was enjoying an evening of listening to my rig and then I saw it...my first CD(sorry guys too young for LP's!). I remember everything about the day I got it, the weather, the time, where it was purchase, even the price! The CD was U2's "Achtung Baby" I put the CD in(I have not listened to it in years)and was brought back to a time not too long ago when things seemed.....well, simpler. Then I got to think what a profound impact that one event had on my life, the joy of music. Does anyone else remember there first CD or LP? did it have as much of an impact on you as mine had on me?
What a mind blower my first record 45 was Smoke gets in your eyes by the platters in 1959....still like it today as when i was a nine yesr old in 1959....
i recall my 1st lp purchase was Greg Kihn, "Rock Kihn Roll" at Rainbow Records in the Hillsdale Mall in San Mateo. I remember they priced all their LPS at with the same digit. I think the Greg Kinh, sold for at that time for $4.44. that was the 1st of many more lp purchases to come.

Thanks for this opportunity to take a stroll down memory lane.

It must have been 1965, because the first record I bought was a 45 of "Mustang Sally" by Wilson Picket (I can't remember what was on the flipside). I bought it from a Thrifty drugstore near my house in L.A. I was 11 years old, and my allowance could cover the cost of a 45, but not an Lp. By the time I was 13, I was working so I could regularly afford LPs. I think the first LP that I bought was either the Beatles' "Revolver" or the Rolling Stones' "Aftermath". Soon after that I bought my first real stereo system, a Nikko receiver, some crappy speakers, a Garrard record changer removed from a boken portable record player, and a pair of Sennheiser headphones (weak bass, grainy treble, but I thought they sounded great!)

I guess CRS Syndrome effects short-term more than long-term memory ...
I do remember my first purchase of music. It was an orange/red 45 of the theme song from "Cheyenne" the western TV series. I recall listening to it as I worked on my plastic model of the 20 Mule Wagon Team (you got this when you sent in a slew of box tops from Boraxo detergent). Western's were my thing back then. My second 45 was Blue Hawaii, by Elvis, which I won as a prize @ a company picnic sponsored by my father's employer (I gave this to my mother and she ended up taking my sister and myself to see the movie - yuck). I cannot remember exactly my first LP as things had gotten a bit smokey around that time, but think that it was either the red "Nazz" album or maybe something by "Country Joe & the Fish" or "Quicksilver Messenger Service". I received my first CD, "Silent Will" as a gift around 1990 as I had helped with the production. The composer of the music is a friend of mine and our original deal was that my cat would be pictured on the cover (as payment for my contribution), but instead I just received a lousy credit. We are still friends though. I gave this CD (as I did the Elvis 45) to my mother who now lived 1800 miles away (I did not own a CD player until two years ago:-). I have always been a software junkie though. When I sold my LP collection in the mid 80's it took the buyer two trips, of double stacked crates, in a full sized pickup truck to haul it to his house and in the last two years my wife and myself have accumulated over 1000 CD's and approx. 300 LP's, in the past 9 months, (99.9% of them on the used market). I recently started collecting 78's and prerecorded reel to reel tapes, but unfortunately do not own the equipment to play them on. This will come in time, but first I had better consider getting a preamp as changing IC's from source to source is starting to get a little old.
This is embarrasing but it was Iron Maiden Somewhere in Time. Cut me some slack. I was young.