Great thread Tim Tireguy; what a response too!
The first record I ever bought was in 1963, a Veejay 45 - Beatles "She Loves You" got it at an old TV repair shop in Riverside for about 89 cents; I guess I was age 9 or 10. I remember being scared to bring it home because dad hated those "longhaired commies" so I could only play it on the family's Zenith portable when no one else was around. One day I forgot to hide it & then mom noticed it on the turntable (yikes) she wasn't too upset, but said that I'd better keep it hidden from dad or I'd get myself killed. I recall eventually being found out somehow, but there were no actual consequences contrary to mom's dire predictions. Apparently I converted them somehow because a few years later they bought me "A Hard Days Night" LP as a birthday gift & I was thrilled; still have that one, although it hasn't been played in eons.
The first record I ever bought was in 1963, a Veejay 45 - Beatles "She Loves You" got it at an old TV repair shop in Riverside for about 89 cents; I guess I was age 9 or 10. I remember being scared to bring it home because dad hated those "longhaired commies" so I could only play it on the family's Zenith portable when no one else was around. One day I forgot to hide it & then mom noticed it on the turntable (yikes) she wasn't too upset, but said that I'd better keep it hidden from dad or I'd get myself killed. I recall eventually being found out somehow, but there were no actual consequences contrary to mom's dire predictions. Apparently I converted them somehow because a few years later they bought me "A Hard Days Night" LP as a birthday gift & I was thrilled; still have that one, although it hasn't been played in eons.