Audio stores in Washington DC???

I am heading to Washington DC for the week and was wondering if there are any DC folks that could guide me to the cool high-end audio stores there. A street address, if you are local, would be great too. Thanks in advance!
All the above are fine. There is also Sound Images in Betheda and Rockville. Ok place to look around, but in my book those folks don't deal honestly.

Hey "Aball"..... how are you doing, and welcome to the Nation's Capitol. Now, as far as audio stores are concerned here in the Washington, D. C. area are concerned, here are a few that you should check out as soon as you arrive in town.

And they are:

(01). Deja Vu -- Mclean, VA (I've never visited them, so I don't have an opinion one way or another since I am mostly solid-state and digital, but if you like tubes and analog, then by all means, pay them a visit).

(02). JS Audio -- Bethesda, MD (my overall hands down favorite. They are more so solid-state and digital than they are tubes and analog. But they give unbiased honest opinions all the time, and the staff is very accommodating. They are in the Meridian, Bryston and Mark Levinson camp).

(03). Myer-Emco -- Washington, DC area (the place you want to go to if you are interested in McIntosh or Meridian).

But I would stay away from SoundWorks if I were you. They are the most stuck up people I have ever seen or dealt with.

Anyway, welcome to DC, and I hope your visit is an enjoyable one.

Whether Soundworks folks are stuck-up or not I don't know. Anyway, you better drop in there for the simple reason they have by far the largest selection of decent gear to sample in the area.
Check out their website....
Agree that Soundworks has the best selection I have ever seen and I have bought some gear from them as well. I haven't been there for awhile, but it used to be if you read about it they had it. Ask for the sales manager. If it's the same one I dealt with, he's ok.
I travel to DC frequently and visited Soundworks once. Once was more than enough. Pretentious, snobby salesman. The entire ambience made it impossible to enjoy the listening experience. If this kind of treatment is of any importance to you, save your time and forego the visit.