Hi end audio who cares

During the holidays i had alot of people over my house.
MY wife would insist that i play my stereo for these
people,why i do not know.

Here are some comments that i got(is that a bose)
(We have panasonic at home,we justlove it)
(how much you pay for all that stuff)
(why do you need such big speakers)

I did not one comment such as(wow thatsounds great)
Next time we have company i am hiding the power cords!
Congratulations and thanks to all the above who contributed to this thread. Wow! To think I thought I was the only one who has experienced those comments. Total confirmation the uninitiated just don't get it and it's no use trying to convert them...It's just like when I try to witness to an unbeliever he needs Jesus Christ in his life...it's the same old answer that I'm a good person, I haven't killed anyone, so I'll go to heaven. Here's God in heaven trying to give THE free gift of eternal bliss in heaven, but no one wants it. To put it in Audiophile language, it's like someone trying to give you the ultimate system, the one you think will be it forever, but you won't open the present it front of you that will reveal it. Frustrating!
It is the same reason the general public thinks that Andrea Bocelli and Charlotte Church are great opera singers. Hype.
I think Europe and Asia is different?! Even in impoverished and war torn (former) Yugoslavia where i come from many audio dealers stock some of the best stuff found in Europe. Some of my friend, even though they couldn't afford cars invest good chunk into their hi-end separates. I saw more Rotel, B@W's,in two weeks i spent over there than i've seen here in US last 17 years.
I don't know,,, I have been told that I'm nuts for spending so much money,,,, BUT, everyone who see's and hears my system,,,, they can't help but pick their jaws up off the ground. They ALL get floored when they hear it.. Even the ones who could care less between owning a boom box or clock radio. I have a few friends who don't care the least about owning a decent stereo,,,, but they all can't help noticing how good it sounds.. They all freeze and their mouth drops open and eyes open wide... I even hear some systems over others audiophiles houses that sound more impressive.. How could your guest not comment on how good it sounded??? People outside who can't even see the system comment on how good it sounds... You had some very strange guest if they didn't at least comment on the sound,,,, or maybe it just wasn't that impressive sounding??? and was a waste to them.!!!! It's almost like having a real band playing in the room... I hope the system had you guest dancing anyway?? Even my mother who could care less about a stereo starts to dance when she comes over to visit and the stereo is playing.. It was so good she brought over her own cassette,,, I said Oh Ma,,, I don't use a cassette player... Happy New Year,,,,
I am happy that my wife will often come up and listen to music with me (I may have to fix her a martini). She is the only one that I want to impress. She does not bitch when I spend money on "records and wires".