2003 CES Show Report from Father & Son Audio

Finally got the pics on the web. Report is not quite done yet, should be by the end of the week. If you have a slow internet connection, be patient, there are a LOT of pics.


The Audio Magic Stealth Kukama is a DAC not a power conditioner and there is a review on the six moons web site. Great pics, thanks a lot.
Thanks Mahandave I was wondering about that. Has anyone found any info. on their new Matrix line conditioner? Reportedly killer.
Dear FS

The pictures and commentary were great. In the audiopax room I believe the speakers were their own, prototypes, not available yet. A friend heard them and liked them a lot. Great job
just a clarification.. When I spoke to Jean Paul at AA he told me that the Audio Aero Prestige Universal Player would be $15,000. Availability would 2-3 months

Oh.. I also want to add that I was really impressed with the new Rogue Tube Amp.. was smooth and detailed and from what I was told pretty affordable.. they may have a winner !

Thanks again for the pics..FS_audio !
