EL34 in Cary CAD120S bias info needed

Hi all,
I want to try out SED EL34 to replace KT88 in my CAD120S
Any CAD120S owner has try this ?
How is the sound of EL34 ?
Should I keep them at 140mA bias point (as manual stated)?
Many thanks
I just talk to Cary tech. To use EL34s, I must modify the bias resistors (2).
Argg! I guess someday when I get tired of KT88's sound, I might give it a try. I have instructions (verbally) if anyone wants to try.
Cary tech insists me to try the mod for sweet sounding of EL34
I have Cary Audio's "Audio Electronics Super Amp MkII". While it is not in the same league as the S120 it shares similar design and output transformers.

What I love about this amp, and the reason I bought it, is the versitilty of KT66,77,88,90s, EL34, 6550, without changing any circuitry. El34, KT88, 90's, and 6550 bias at 200ma. This amp is very dynamic.

Every time I talk to Cary they can't go on enough about it, talk about it new transformers, and recommend the oil cap upgrade to bring it to another level. They keep wanting me to match it w/ the 300/300 cdp. Someday on the upgrade and cdp.
Jdec, my 120S has gone back to Cary to address a mechanical hum problem. The folks at Cary say the amp should be quiet, so I sent it to them to have them make it that way. And I figured I'd have them give it a general check over while it is there.

Regarding the Cary 120S vs Wyred ST-500 comparison my first impression is that the Cary is perhaps a bit smoother/sweeter, but that the Wyred is more dynamic, has more power and certainly a bit more control in the bass. But this is a very early impression with very few hours on the Wyred.

In the last few days I've decided that I need the remote control and polarity invert control found on the new Wyred integrated, the STI-500. So I sent the ST-500 back and the STI-500 should be arriving on Monday, Nov 16.

Hopefully I will have the 120S back in the house soon as well. Then I can proceed with my comparisons. It should be interesting (and fun).

Frank :)
Thuan98... that's annoying that the bias resistors have to be changed to try the EL34's but fortunately I like the way mine sounds with the stock EH KT88's. And it doesn't explain why Cary's technical guy told me I could do it without modification and still set the bias at 140mA...

Did he mention that you need to remove 23 screws to remove the bottom cover?
Try to roll EH with re-issued Gold-Lion
I did mine and it sounds wonderful
The Cary tech didn't mention 23 screws at the bottom
With Gold-Lion, I don't feel the need to try EL34