This Sistrum stuff works

Hi. I just got a bunch of Sistrum products to add to my system. The package arrived, with 2 Sistrum Speaker Platforms, 2 Sistrum Equipment Platforms, 2 sets of AudioPoints, a pair of Sonoran Plateau Desert Speaker Cables, and a pair of Sonoran Plateau Cactus RCA Interconnects.

I wanted to try an entire line of products that were designed to work together, using the unique vibration management system that the Sistrum and Sonoran products have. I thought this approach could have some merit.

I put the products into the system, 1 by 1, and listened for differences. I started with the speaker platforms. I immediately noticed that the slight "boxiness" that was present primarily in the lower midrange was almost eliminated. And the bass, and midbass was much more defined than before. Overall clarity seemed improved, but it was already quite clear to start with. One of the more interesting benefits was that I could play louder than before, with less audible distortion. Then I tried the equipment platforms under my preamp and amp. This improved the focus of the entire presentation by several percent. And again, I could play even louder before noticing any distortion occurring. The next candidate was the Audiopoints under my Teres TT. This was where I noticed an increase in detail and lowering of the noise floor. I had already used BDR cones and Cocobolo Cones under the TT, and these beat both of those quite convincingly. The final thing was the Sonoran Cables. These need some time to break in, but after about 4 hours of playing, this package is giving me the best sound that I have ever gotten from this system. The cables, even right out of the box, were quite open and detailed, with no high-frequency rolloff that I had experienced with some other cables I've tried, like Cardas Golden. After just a few hours, the bass was really showing excellent tonality and control. The mids were as open as my DIY cables, which had previously slain all comers. I expect these Sonoran cables to improve over the next couple of weeks, and that will be a nice treat, because they are already sounding quite good indeed.

Now, I have to admit that I have not tried a boatload of different cables, but I have tried a few. My cone and support situation was in need, and I didn't have a very good vibration control system in place before I got this stuff. Maybe other stuff can do very well too. But I can say that this Sistrum and Sonoran stuff does exactly what it says it does, and I am very pleased with the results that I got on my system.

In addition, I really like the appearance of these products, and that never hurts, even though my audio room looks more like a workshop than a living room. I go primarily for performance, and not looks. The sound is the key issue for me. But good looks are always a positive, if the sound is also good.

I would say that I recieved an honest 15% improvement in the clarity, tonal quality(especially in the low end), and in maximum SPL that I can now attain. Although I didn't measure it, I feel that I got an additional 3db SPL over what I was getting before. And with the improved clarity and tone at the same time. With my low power tube system, this was a very big plus, because it was like getting more power out of my amp. Sistrum claims that when you use their products, you get better efficiency from your system, including amps and speakers, due to proper vibration management. I now believe that this is true, because I experienced that in my testing with my system.

I could heartily recommend these products to others, because I feel that if they work on my system, they will work on others. The technology works. I'm happy.

While other isolation products may be very good, and also other cables may be very good, I feel that these are doing a great job, and have good neutrality, but let the sound and dynamics come through crystal clear, and from top to bottom.

This package wasn't cheap, at about $3000 retail for all the items I got. But it is not anywhere near the high price that alot of other cables and racks cost. I think it strikes a very good level of performance for a reasonable price. I can't buy $8k speaker cables, or $5k audio racks.

I'd recommend them for anyone to try out. They really do work, just as the manufacturer claims.
Yes, Sean thank you. Michael Green "borrowed" the idea from Sistrum. Sistrum has the patents on it. Sistrum just did not want to disrupt the industry by making a big issue out of that. The same thing happened when a certain Canadian cable company "borrowed" the technology that Sonoran cables uses, and now this company has a very successful cable line.

I'm glad that everyone is cooling off here. I was getting worried that this thread might be side-tracked! :^)
BTW: to change the subject again: Are there any women on the 'gon? Please ladies, let us know. Is this just a guy thing? Cross dressers, transvestites, or wanabee women, do not count. Must have the DNA.
Brulee: While Judith is a big girl and can answer for herself, i'll only add that i was adding a comment to this thread. I did not state that one product was superior to another or that one should buy one over the other. I did say that i found the info presented on the Grand Prix website to be interesting and that i thought it was worth reading.

As far as your "taste testing" question goes, one can form opinions / ideas about a product without ever really "tasting" it. How something looks, is presented, is reported on, etc... can all help to form an opinion of the product. That does not mean that such ideas are accurate or will be applicable to everyone's individual tastes or experiences. However, without those initial thoughts about various products, we would show no interest in anything. Something has to "catch our eye" or "turn our stomach" before wanting to check it out or avoid it. As such, we ALL form "opinions" or have "preconcieved notions" about products prior to experiencing them. Personally, i don't think it is wrong to discuss those "preconcieved ideas" or why / how one formed the opinions that they do about a product.

Twl: I have used Michael Green products in the past. At one point in time, i had his most expensive rack and invested in several different devices that he offered. I spent a lot of time on the phone with his "assistants" and a couple of hours talking to Michael personally. To be 100% honest, i could not get rid of that stuff fast enough. I also have to say that the person who purchased the rack from me was VERY happy with it. They post here on these forums and i respect their opinions. We simply had different opinions / experiences with the same identical product.

This is not to say that i find the Sistrum products directly comparable to what i had from MGD. They are built very differently and i'm sure that they perform very differently. I was commenting that i think that the two companies share common philosophies even though some of their products are very different.

Warren: There are several women that post / read these forums. Speaking of that, i wonder if anyone has heard from Angela after her relocation ? Sean

I will try to be more clear. What I understand technically about a piece of gear and what I experience during a listening session are Yin and Yang - two faces of the same thing. Neither one is truth on its own. Both are invaluable to me.


I have never seen my own DNA, and when I am doing the audio thing, I am only paying attention to what is going on between my ears. Wish I could give you a better answer to your question.
I have listened to a system that used a Sistrum SP-5, the sistrum amp stands many many times and it was nice- how ever the owner of that system heard a very similar system to his with a rix rax hoodoo and well needless to say the sistrum was sold and his hoodoo should arrive in a week or so. He considered the Grand Prix but neither he nor I liked the design- between the lack of support on the rear of the shelf(it must flex??) and the some what gimmicky isolation and the simple fact that he didn't have a chance to listen to one. The Rix Rax have a great reputation and I am looking forward to hearing it- and comparing it to the old sistrum. I was always impressed with the look and simple function of the sistrum- I do see how many like it. How ever I have found an isolation device that puts all others to shame, not only functionally but aesthetically pleasing- I have hired some of the girls from my old job ;) to lay my gear on when I am listening(I use 2 for my amp-its pretty heavy- and a spare to change my disc upon request) you would be amazed how good it works, it turns out humans make a great dampening/isotation device.

Sean- Angela is alive and well(the last I talked with her- about 1-2 weeks ago) she had some things to take care of on the east coast and then back home to settle in- she was sick and busy with the move so I wanted to give her a little space- I am surprised she hasn't been posting by now. Speaking of posting again, I am glad to see Brulee's participation again- he was MIA for quite some time- weather you agree with him or not its nice to see one of the original members back. He keeps us on our toes its sort of like having a cornfedboy light(low in carbs. and just one calorie :) on hand.

Brulee- All I can say to you is- and this is just for old time sake- "trust me I am a tireguy".......well it just doesn't have the same ring to it :)