My heart goes out to the families of Columbia

I just tuned in cnn to see the news of the explosion/break up of the space shuttle. My deepest sympathies to the families of the crew.
My heart goes out also, every time one of the shuttles go up I can't help but feel a little fear for them, and after this time it will be more so.
I remember where I was when the first shuttle tragedy happened. I believe all astronauts are heroes. I salute them.
Needless to say, this puts our listening group gathering today on a rather somber note. This was to be the first get together for a fledgling South Jersey group, hosted at my home. Can anyone suggest some appropriate music to be played, provided we meet at all? This event makes me want to call it off out of respect to the crew and families. Folks are due here in about an hour.
Please remember to lower your flags to half staff... May God bless and be with all.
Slipnot1 - appropriate music - Arvo Part "Cantus in memory of Benjaman Britten. I can send it to you via email.