Hold on there, Tex. You think some folks are overreacting just a bit? This thread had nothing to do with specifying anyone's income or even the price of any component or system. I decided to take this thread as a rather humorous attempt at putting a little perspective on our shared obsession, irrespective of the little math lesson. It does seem a little strange that the most indignant find nothing wrong in specifying every item in their systems for all to see (and thereby easily determine the approximate cost of the system, duh). If you don't like the thread, don't participate. If you wish to participate, be prepared for some flack if you try to take some moral high ground on a position that isn't even on topic. In the end, lets lighten up a bit. While the world is going to heck around us, be glad that we find joy and happiness in this rather fringe hobby that can, at its best, bring people together. The last thing any of us want is this site resembling the real world! Peace. (By the way, good one, Albert!)