How many weeks of income did your sys. cost?

How many weeks of after-tax income did your system cost? ie If your income is 100,000 per yr. and your system cost 25000 at street prices, than you spent 12 weeks paying for your system. Income is relative and I was wondering what the average audiophile spends in terms of weeks of income on his system. Mine is 12 weeks.
I think that this question is a question of pride rather than addiction. To answer a question like this I will tell you I saved $50 here $200 there to upgrade a phono cartridge or perhaps a interconcect maybe a powercord. Maybe I charged a new preamp on a visa. Sometimes my family life suffered from my addiction to this hobby, you know kids need new shoes, dance lessons, baseball fees, oh ya the one my wife always says we need food. But I alway found ways to further this addiction of audio. I guess that why I will not tell how much I have spent. But I will tell you for what I have spent I have reeped many hours of enjoyment. As everbody knows the quest for building a system that suits their audio needs. The answer is not how much you have spent but what you have done without to get your system. I will end by saying my family is not proud of my addiction of audio. David
I really do not want to contemplate this question... Please ask another less painful one.

A more interesting question (and probably a more depressing one) is.... How many weeks of DISPOSEABLE income did your system cost? Basically, take all of your fixed and necessity costs from your take home pay, and that is your disposeable income.

It never occured to me to gauge what I've spent on my system this way. Since music gives us joy and inspiration, it's like asking "how much do you spent on your family so far". This topic/post is ridiculous, cold, and double sided...your post should be deleted.

Love for music is a passion. When you favor how much you spent on equipment rather than how much the music that comes out from your equipment rejuvenate your soul, then the passion is gone. Move on to a different hobby, or else you will not survive the undertow.

I wholeheartedly agree with SdCampbell/Aida_w/Subaruguru/Tok2000. I am glad that there are people like them on this forum. It makes this forum worthwhile to visit.