Tidal electronics...

Hi Goners!

Would like to hear from owners of Tidal ELECTRONICS...I am interested if you feel they are made to the same level of quality that they're speakers have come to enjoy.

Thanks to all for any light you can shed!
Azjake, you step on the way to paradise, I believe!
Happy you:)

Pinkus, Tidal and Argento definately knows something that others not!
You just need to listen to it and than you'll know it:)

Thank you very much for the kind words...I too believe i am headed in that direction and shall invite others to share this with me!

There has been much discussion of the Sovereign, Tidal, and other electronics here. Now that I have my Contrivas at least initially broken in, I am beginning to wonder if the 100 watt H-Cat amp that I have may become congressed in loud passages.

The US importer recommends 200 watts into 8 ohm amps, but the Tidal Impact amp only does 140 watts into 8 ohms. The Sovereign Glory seems to be 240 watts into 8 ohms.

My question is whether any of you have found your amplifiers to lack necessary wattage on the Tidals?

Also I notice on the Glory review that it lacks binding posts or at least looks like it has only banana connections. Is this true and does it cause a problem?
I own the Sovereign Power and it is true that the binding posts accept bananas. But I managed to remove the protective plastic around them to use my Argento Flow speaker cable that have spades termination.

Regarding amplification power I believe that if you want to enjoy the full dynamic range that these speakers can offer, even a Sovereign Glory could be challenged. To be honest I believe that the Contriva should be driven by a set of Sovereign Eternity monoblock amplifiers. These speakers need a lot of power. I recently tried the Sovereign Power (165Wrms) with the Tidal Piano Cera and it had some difficulties when music was very loud. The Glory would be a perfect match for the Ceras.