System for a teenager

I need advice to build a system for one of my sons school mates and his father. I have been advised to keep budget as low as possible but strive for quality sound.

My idea is buy used gear here at Audiogon starting with 2 series Vandersteen's, DVD-CD player with volume control and moderate power tube amps.

Would especially appreciate ideas for the DVD-CD with volume control and ideas for moderate power tube amps.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalbertporter
Dave was out of town on business, the teenager was ready to go the first moment.

I insisted they read these ideas, and view some photographs of the equipment before dropping the cash. It's difficult to help friends who don't share our knowledge. Neither the father or the son has heard of any of these brands names.
Albert, please let us know how it turns out. BTW, in as much as like the Vandersteen 2's, they can be fussy with regards to room and placement.
Well, I guess I lost my mind. I saw an ad for Vandersteen 3's that were in my market (Dallas, TX.) advertised here at Audiogon for $875.00.

More than I intended to spend, but no shipping, insurance or chance for them to be damaged. Plus, I got to listen to them before I handed over the cash.

They sound wonderful, and the (previous) owner was using a small integrated transistor amp to power them. They were bi-wired and came with Sound Anchor stands and some cones and spikes. Bob and Dave are excited even though they have not seen the speakers yet.

I could not find any of the AR Complete that Sugarbrie mentioned, nor the other solid state brands mentioned. I looked here first, then EBAY and AudioShopper. Any other ideas or know of the "right" integrated for this system that happens to be for sale?

By the way, the DVD/CD is off my budget. The father bought one on sale somewhere, leaving me about $625.00 for power.

Pick up the Magnum IA170 integrated (that has been listed here forever). It's $549 (used) and includes a MM phono stage, plus a mono switch.

This model compared well with the Plinius 8150 when I auditioned both a bit more than two years ago. A little known "sleeper" amp from a UK manufacturer.

If I were into SS this is the amp that I would be using (no glory, just good sound).